We Are Weird
…as people with raised eyebrows and furrowed foreheads shake their heads in disbelief, know that you’re weird in a good way.
…as people with raised eyebrows and furrowed foreheads shake their heads in disbelief, know that you’re weird in a good way.
Our dilemma was combating the idea of secular humanism – the belief that people can have morals or be ethical without God. In a world where the significance of the Good News of Jesus Christ is diluted to the point of equality with other religions, even by some in the church, our group took seriously the charge to keep the Truth in the forefront of everything we do.
Weather is terribly unpredictable, like rest of life. It reminds me of a fact I’ve heard about the odds of all the predictions of the Old Testament coming true. It’s a ratio of some-stupidly-large-number-with-lots-of-commas-and-zeros to one.