A Dad and Son Camping Story

And we, who with unveiled faces

All reflect the Lord’s glory, are

Being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

II Corinthians 3:18

Dad, Do It Again!

by Dr. Marilyn Murhpree

A father and his young son went on a camping trip for the first time. While it was still quite dark, the father got up and started a campfire. Then he woke up his sleeping son. After protesting and rubbing his eyes, Austin finally got up. He stood near the fire trying to keep warm as they waited for the sunrise.

Soon it began! The blackness in the east turned to gray and next to blue. The image of the lake and shadowy trees began to emerge out of the darkness. The blue turned to a near white color. Finally, pink, violet, and orange hues emerged in the east over the pines. Suddenly the valley was flooded with light. They watched this spectacular display in silent awe.

Finally Austin could stand it no longer. He turned to his dad and said excitedly, “Dad, do it again! Do it again!” What a transformation!

Peter no doubt felt this way when he finally realized the impact of resurrection day for all people. Although Easter was a historical event, we may experience this feeling all over again. Easter is needed many, many times in our life. We could say with Austin, “Father, do it again! Do it again!” What a transformation takes place as a result of this first resurrection day.

You may wonder, “Does the resurrection really make a difference? Will it really make a difference in my life?

Throughout the gospels Peter was an impulsive person, always getting his foot into his mouth. He jumped into one situation after another and then wondered how he was going to get out. He denied Jesus before the rooster crowed, he shrank back, and he followed Jesus afar off. He came to the empty tomb but went away still wondering (Luke 24:12). Something dramatic, however, was happening between resurrection day and the accounts in the book of Acts. Peter, the opinionated, rough-cut, prejudiced disciple began to see changes take place just as Austin had seen changes take place in the sky that morning when the light broke through. Later having been empowered by the Holy Spirit, Peter spoke out boldly. There are a lot of things we don’t understand about spiritual things. We go for years thinking certain things and responding in certain ways. We often think, “I can’t change, God doesn’t love me, I’m not good enough. Christianity doesn’t really make a difference for me.” We are still wondering and trying to figure it all out. What about Jesus and the resurrection? Where do I go after Easter Sunday? The resurrection transformed Peter, and it will do the same for us today. It suddenly dawned on him what had taken place on that resurrection day. From that time on he was a different person. You can be too.

THINK: The resurrection is for you today.

Marilyn Murphree
Marilyn is a retired guidance counselor and retired pastor. However she keeps busy with her writing, painting, music, quilting, guest speaking, and ministering to people in nursing homes.







Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.