example of artistic journal page
Here is an example of an artistic journal page.

Artistic Bible Journaling

Artistic Bible Journaling For Those Who Love to Be Creative (or not)

Do you love to scribble little notes, drawings, doodles, and prayers for yourself as you meditate on passages of Scripture? Do you feel limited by journals that only give you space to write? Artistic Bible journaling involves expressing your thoughts about Scripture through art.  You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy doing this.

example of artistic journal page

You might want to use a ready-made artistic Bible journal.  It could be a coloring journal or a printable spiritual journal to which you can add blank pages.  Or be creative and make your own Bible journal with lots of space for artwork.

You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy expressing your thoughts about Scripture through art.  Since you journal for your private devotional life, no one else needs to see your artistic endeavors unless you want them to.  Some people simply like to combine words with doodles as they read the Bible.  Others enjoy creating more complicated art with designs, sketches, or painting.

Why Use a Printable Bible Journal?

Artistic journaling is easy to do with a printable journal.  You can find printable Bible journals online.  Just purchase, download, and print.

I love printable journals because you can print only the pages you want to use, printing as many as you need. You can add blank pages for writing, doodling, drawing, painting, or whatever you want.  Put the pages into a binder in the order you want, and use them to journal in your own unique style.  When you run out of pages, add some more.

10 Creative Ways to Express Your Quiet Time Thoughts With Art

A.  Use markers or paints on the pages of your Bible journal. As you add blank pages for this, make sure the back of each page is blank, for the colors may run through, making it difficult to read or decorate the other side.

B.  Use stickers, stamps, and stencils on your pages. Or use decorative rubber stamps.

C.  Cut out shapes from magazines or newspapers and glue them onto some of the individual pages in your journal. This works especially well if you’re working with magazines that have colorful pictures on them. You can also cut out and glue letters or words. Christian magazines are more likely to contain pictures and words that help you express what you are getting from your Bible reading.

D. Draw pictures with pencils or pens on paper. Express what you want to illustrate from the part of the Bible you are reading.

E. Make a unique Bible journal in this way: Create illustrations of Bible stories and glue them onto scrapbook paper or construction paper so they look like they are part of an old family photo album. You can write captions under each picture.

F. Explore new ways to use color. Although there is no limit on how many colors you can use on a page, sometimes limiting yourself can help create a well-defined mood or theme for your journal entry. Try using only one or two colors at first; then try painting over existing lines or textures with watercolors.

G.  Use a quote from scripture as inspiration for artistic work, such as drawing, cartooning, designing a needlepoint project, making an illustrated social media post, or painting.

H.  Use clay to make a sculpture that represents what you are learning from your Scripture reading. Then take a photo and make notes in your journal about how the sculpture reflects your spiritual journey.

I.  Take photos of people, animals, or nature and use them to illustrate your impressions from Scripture.

J. Create a digital representation of a verse or passage that means something special to you. You could do this in Powerpoint or using Canva. Print it and glue it into your journal. Or publish it on social media or by sending it out in emails.

Let Scripture Inspire You

Bible journaling is a great way to get creative and express your faith. It’s also an amazing way to experience time with God, whether you’re doing it alone or with a group.  The Bible itself is full of inspiration, so there is no shortage of ideas. Here are some more ways you can use scripture to inspire your creativity.

Use the words from one of your favorite Psalms as inspiration for a collage.

Use watercolors, markers, crayons—whatever medium you love —to illustrate a verse from the Bible.

On an index card, write down some words of encouragement to yourself based on what God says about you in His Word. Decorate the card, and then keep it somewhere where it is visible every day.

Make journal pages for doodles and notes that reflect what God is showing you through your Bible reading.

Make a Scripture verse card and send it to a friend.

Artistic journaling is a great way to bring your creativity to the Bible. It’s also a way of making the Bible come alive for you by making it more personal.

Once you try artistic journaling, leave us a comment about what methods you chose.  Or send me a photo of a page or project you have done.  I will email it out to the subscribers to our website.  Be sure to include your name so that I can give you credit.

What?  You aren’t a subscriber yet?  Use the form on the side panel.  That way you can see what our artistic readers send me.

by Karen Roberts





Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.