Why You Need a Quiet Time With God
Isaiah 40:31: But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...
Isaiah 40:31: But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength...
Just as my daughter had to begin the snow removal process with some one-handed chopping away with that shovel, we need to come to Jesus and invite Him to chop away whatever is holding us down.
Psalm 105 gives eight steps that you can take every day to experience happiness in Christ
Just run into His open arms, crawl up on His lap and let Him love you and heal you back into wholeness.
We all need to reduce stress.,, How can you loosen up on what you are requiring for yourself? What boundaries do you need to set for your time?
A key to being able to thank God instead of letting worry take over my mind...when I'm expressing gratitude to God, it drives away the fear that causes worry.
Do you recognize answered prayer? Probably you do when you pray about something big and see quick results. But it’s not always so easy when you pray about small things or when the big prayer request isn’t turning out the way you hoped.
Prayer journaling is basically writing your prayer requests and answers to prayer. It can be as simple as writing them in a notebook, dating the entries. However many people like to have an actual Prayer Journal in which they can easily go back to review what they have prayed for, noting which requests have been answered and how.
Feeding birds and watching their behaviors reminds me of Jesus' teaching, " Look at the birds, for they don't sow or reap or gather food into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they are?"
by Karen S. Roberts Tidy Up Your Life When you think of spring-cleaning, you probably think of that time of year where you go all out cleaning up your house.…