Blessings from God Quotes in Psalm 145

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Psalm 145:19

The Psalms Are Full of Lists of the Blessings of God               

Recently I have been writing in my Notebook Journal as I read the Psalms during my morning devotions.  I’ve been so taken up with the multiple blessings of God that I’ve been reading, that I’ve been writing them down.  There are too many to mention in one blog post.  So I decided to give you examples of finding the treasures of God’s blessings by giving you some quotes from just one Psalm today – Psalm 145.

Psalm 145 God’s Character Results in His Blessings

Psalm 145 alternates between giving us insights into God’s character and showing us the blessings that He has for His followers.  The very nature of God overflows into His delight in pouring out His blessings on those who love Him.

Some of the character traits of God that are discussed in Psalm 145 are these:

full of compassion

slow to anger

great in mercy

good to all

righteous in all His ways (perfectly good)

gracious in all His works

having dominion throughout all generations

showing tender mercies

having great goodness


The results of God’s character traits are His works, and among His works are the blessings He gives us.


Blessings from God Quotes

These Bible verse blessings are from the  New King James Version.  You might want to look them up in other versions to gain a broader understanding.

Verse 14:  The Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down.

Verses 15 – 16 are addressed right to God:  You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

Verse 18:  The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.

Verse 19:  He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them.

Verse 20:  The Lord preserves all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy.


A Technique for Your Daily Devotions

Here is a way that you can make Scripture passages like this meaningful when you are having your quiet time with God each day.  Take a Psalm or other passage of Scripture that reveals God’s blessings and a notebook or journal.  Have a pen ready.  Opening your journal is an invitation for God to speak to you.

Then make lists as I did.  List characteristics of God and then list His blessings.  But take it further than that.  Now look for at least one characteristic and one blessing that are especially meaningful to you and write a sentence about each one.  Write what He reveals to you.

Here’s an example of what jumps out at me today:

“The Lord is gracious in His works” tells me that everything He is working out in my life and in the lives of my family members are an outpouring of His grace to us.

“The Lord is near to all who call on Him” tells me that He is never far away.  I can have conversations with Him all day as He shows His love and nearness to me.

You’ll find that the ones that stick out in your mind today will be different from the ones that you notice on another day.  That’s because your thoughts, emotions, and situations vary from day to day.  Your needs are different every day.  So you can come back to the lists you make and receive from God’s tender mercies each day in a way that relates to you personally.

Please share in the comments below which of the blessings of God is most important to you today and why.


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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.