Prayer Changes Things
Faithful prayer for people changes them. This is especially true when we agree in prayer with others in prayer for people and their situations.
Faithful prayer for people changes them. This is especially true when we agree in prayer with others in prayer for people and their situations.
...But a wonderful change in technology has now made it possible for camp staff to have a free Kindle reader on their smart phones and tablets. The free Kindle app is now available on Google Play, the Apple App Store, and the Windows Store! So now I have lowered the price of my Kindle camp staff devotional book to an affordable 99 cents, at least through the summer of 2014.
A campfire devotion that you can use at summer camp, at a retreat, or at a gathering of believers in Jesus.
The camp staff devotional "John Comes To Camp" is now being published on Kindle!
They were majestic in warmth and light, but all that remains now is this pile of ashes. Bending down further, I catch a colorful glimpse of a reddish amber glow. Could it be? A spark!
We could hear the leaves rustling, even though there was no wind, and we had not heard any wind in the trees at any other location. It sounded as though a breeze was blowing through the tops of the trees.
Many Christian camps use a camp staff devotional which they either encourage or require their summer staff to read during their time of ministry at camp. This is a great…