The Perfect Book That is Always Relevant
The perfect book is always relevant. Did you ever begin reading an old book and never finish because it just wasn’t relevant to you? I have. But the Bible, though ancient, isn’t like that.
Continue readingHelping you trust God
The Perfect Book That is Always Relevant
The perfect book is always relevant. Did you ever begin reading an old book and never finish because it just wasn’t relevant to you? I have. But the Bible, though ancient, isn’t like that.
Continue readingWhy should we study the Bible? Because the Bible is true. It is not a hodge-podge of the thoughts, opinions, and ideas of ordinary people.
Continue readingPsalm 105 gives eight steps that you can take every day to experience happiness in Christ
Continue readingFeeding birds and watching their behaviors reminds me of Jesus’ teaching, ” Look at the birds, for they don’t sow or reap or gather food into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they are?”
Continue readingStepping outside of your comfort zone is just plain UNcomfortable! I know you know that, for you’ve had to do it. It’s all part of life, personal growth, and spiritual growth.
Continue readingby Karen S. Roberts Background of the Book of Titus The book of Titus in the Bible is small
Continue readingby Will Cabrera and Karen S. Roberts When God gives statements of coming judgment, He also offers an opportunity
Continue readingPs. 105:19: Until the time that his word came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him (Joseph). Does Having
Continue readingIsaiah 42:8 I am the Lord; that is My name. And My glory will I not give to another, neither My
Continue readingHave you ever wondered?
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