From past experiences of having received an anointed prayer of healing – even though I knew I’d been healed – I allowed symptoms talk me out of it; only to slip back again to a ‘mentality’ of ill health! In the Book of the Prophet Jonah, chapter 2 v 8, the Lord warns we are not to forsake our mercy by observing lying vanities.
The lying vanities in the case of physical infirmity are the symptoms of sickness. We must remember that they have no legal right on us. The truth is that Jesus took them on the Cross and by His stripes we were healed. God the Father’s will for us is that we would live in Divine Health all the days of our life. He has made provision for such through His Word.
It is our part to receive His Word by faith and resist the devil’s lies of ‘symptoms’. Only then will we see God’s Glory manifest – and remain!
Here are 35 Confessions that will help you keep your healing.
1 The symptoms are not the sickness; they are signs of sickness which I do not have. They are on the outside trying to get in. Do not accept them!
2 I am the sick recovering my inheritance.
3 Patience is not ‘enduring suffering’ but is constant in faith – with a heart of expectation.
4 Death and life is in the power of the tongue, not in the power of the devil.
5 Faith say’s: “I refuse to let it dictate my life!”
6 Be strong in faith. Give God glory. He’s already done it; now tell everyone!
7 Testify to your miracle before it happens!
8 Speak to your body. Tell it to be strong and to conform to the Word!
9 When your blessing comes to your heart – you’ll have it. See ‘health’ in the heart.
10 Salvation is a return to God’s original plan for your life.
11 Talk about your great future.
12 You have to believe first then speak and believe. You have to know in your heart that you believe.
13 Pass from physical to Spiritual thinking to get healing.
14 God will only be to me what I believe Him to be.
15 I have roads of success in my mind before I can build roads.
16 Don’t struggle to be more pure, holy or righteous; you already have it in Christ.
17 Because of Righteousness, through faith, the Spirit gives life.
18 The Spirit quickens our mortal body despite state of blood.
19 Success or failure is in our spirit.
20 Prayer doesn’t heal. It’s faith that makes us whole.
21 Without faith it’s impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6)
22 Everything not like Christ must be removed.
23 Be it unto you according to your faith.
24 Knowledge is not power; but the application of knowledge is power.
25 He doesn’t consider whether I have faith. He’s already dealt me a measure of faith.
26 He answers when you ask.
27 Step into Jesus’ shoes and ask the Father directly.
28 I am in the place of Jesus. The voice of Jesus…
29 My faith is based on the faith of Jesus.
30 I’m not looking for breakthrough; I broke through when Jesus broke through death.
31 Look not at seen but unseen reality.
32 I’m no longer controlled by symptoms but by the Word of God.
33 God’s faith is Jesus – the Word become flesh. All I need is faith in Jesus.
34 I’m not trying to ‘become something’; It’s who I already am in Christ Jesus.
35 As Jesus is, so am I in this World. (1 John 4:17)
Peter j Foster.
If you are believing for your healing, consider having someone stand with you in a prayer of faith. Take time out to be saturated with the Word of Faith. Have someone come into agreement with you. As a Christian Life Coach I am here to encourage you in your healing.
You can learn more about Peter’s Life Coaching services by visiting his website, “Christian Life Coaching.”