Conceived In Rape

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Every now and then we feature a story by one of our readers.  Thanks, Sherry, for sharing your experience with us!

Saved From Abortion

by Sherry Hensley                                                                                                                                                               sherry-hensley-blogger-2

I was born in 1973, and grew up in a Christian home. As soon as I was old enough to understand, my wonderful parents read  me a story about being adopted. My adoption was not kept secret from me. I was taught to love the Lord, and at a young age I came to know Christ and experienced His Holy Spirit.  I always felt it was special to be adopted. I was adopted twice—once by my parents and once by God.

As I grew older, like most adoptees, I began to wonder who I looked like and where I got some of my characteristics. I felt there was a little piece of my life missing that I wanted to know.  I also wanted to thank my birth mother for choosing life. In 2008 I told my mom and dad that I was going to get the Non-ID Information regarding my “closed” adoption.

The day finally came when the packet arrived in the mail. I was nervous and excited all at the same time.  It did not give very much information about my birth father, but in big letters it said, “Alleged Father.” That is when I got the feeling that something bad had happened.

After that my husband and I decided to continue to search for my birth mother.  I wrote her an outreach statement without any names and emailed it to my caseworker.   Several days went by; the days felt more like years.  Finally the caseworker called . She said she had talked with my birth mother, and that she wanted to have contact with me!  Before the caseworker could give me all of the information, my birth mother wanted me to know the truth: she had been raped.

The day I heard that I was conceived in rape, I chose not to become angry or bitter about my beginnings, and I chose to love my birth father.  I made this choice because Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins, as well as for his sins. I chose to love him through the love of Jesus. That day God also filled my heart with love and compassion for my birth mother for what she had endured!  This began our time of communication with each other.

I learned that several weeks after my birth mother was raped, she discovered she was pregnant.  Her mother  gave her three weeks to get out of the house. Her father had passed away, so no one else was there to protect and defend her.  She then went to live at a home for unwed mothers, where she began to find healing.  The question kept going through her mind: “What am I to do with this baby?”  She had no job or permanent place to live, was unmarried, and had no support from family.

Her aunt tried to get her to have an illegal abortion from a doctor in Michigan. (This was before Roe vs. Wade.)   However, my birth mother knew there was life growing inside of her womb, and it was life given by God.  Her favorite verse was Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.”

She did not want to disrupt God’s plans for the tiny life that was growing inside of her. When she decided to place me for adoption, she asked that her baby be placed in a strong Christian home.  I am so thankful, for what she did was an act of pure love.

Due to birth complications, we both remained in the hospital for a week before she went home. God blessed her with one week to love, care for, and hold her baby girl. When l was taken to foster parents, she then entrusted me into the hands of God.

When I first got in contact with my birth mother, she told me, “I have always loved you, and you were the beginning of my healing process.” A baby who is conceived out of rape becomes a strong healing force in the situation. Why? Because out of something horrific and traumatic comes a precious human being. The Giver of Life brings healing to the one who suffered.

I felt a new sense of completeness as she and I began emailing each other. I was excited when she emailed a picture of her and her family. I have a half-brother and a step-sister. We exchanged further emails and talked on the phone. A few months later my parents and I took a vacation to meet her and my half-brother.

We met them at the hotel where we were staying, then we went out for a nice dinner. My birth mother had my brother pray over the food. He prayed, thanking God for the reunion between his mom and her daughter. I almost cried because of the immense joy I was feeling.  After dinner, we went to her house, and I got to see pictures of her when she was younger. I looked so much like her that it was surreal!

The next day we looked at more photos. She gave me a picture to keep, as well as a copy of the family lineage, which is so  precious to have! I felt so blessed to spend time with her.  She has become a special friend to me, and I thank God for allowing me to have contact with her and also for allowing me to learn more about myself.

Yes, my biological aunt wanted me to be aborted, but my birth mother chose life. God was faithful to my birth mother’s prayers: I was raised in a Christian home.  I am grateful to God for the family He gave me, for a loving husband, and for tight-knit church family. I was conceived in rape, but I am loved.


Sherry Hensley is a Pro-Life Speaker from Maryland. She was conceived in rape and saved from an illegal abortion. She is married to a minister and enjoys inspiring others and sharing her faith. Her website is


Thank You For Saving My Life

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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.