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Creative Bible Journaling

Why journal the Bible?    Journaling the Bible during Quiet Time

Bible journaling can be a fun and creative way to use the Bible.  It can also help you draw closer to God.  It makes your quiet time with God more meaningful.

The Bible is a treasure trove of inspiration. It’s full of stories and lessons, poetry and parables, history and prophecies, and instructions for living close to God. Your Bible likely does not contain enough space to write down your own thoughts and feelings.  I tend to write little notes in the margins and underline verses, but writing in a Bible journal gives me a lot more room for expression.

Whether you’re just getting started on your own personal journey with Christ or you’ve been walking with Him for years, journaling what you are learning from the Bible will help you grow deeper in your relationship with Him. By journaling when you read God’s Word, you give more thought to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you and teaching you through the Scriptures.

Being creative with your journaling can inspire you to listen to God and express back to Him through the creative abilities He has given you.  Usually, journaling is done through writing, but it can be done through art, music, making audio recordings, cartooning, or making videos.  The key lies in responding to God speaking to you through the Scriptures.

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What are some creative ways to do Bible journaling?   

Spiritual journaling is a great way to bring your creativity to the Bible. It’s also a way of making the Bible come alive for you by making it more personal. Whether you’re new to the idea of Bible journaling or are a seasoned veteran, we’ve got some creative ideas for you.

Try some of these ideas:

  1. Draw a picture of a scene from scripture and write about it, make a caption, or write the story of what happened in the picture.
  2. Write your own stories, using characters from the Bible as inspiration, or make up a parable that teaches a lesson from the Scripture you are reading.
  3. Copy a Scripture verse that stands out to you and write about how God speaks to you through it.
  4. Copy a meaningful Bible verse in 5 different versions. Then write your thoughts and impressions from reading through them.
  5. Use a Bible journal that offers prompts that help you relate Scripture to your life. Write or record your responses to the prompts.
  6. Take a Bible passage and turn it into a prayer. This especially works well with many of the Psalms.
  7. Write a poem or song of praise to God.
  8. Write a song about what God has been showing you through the Scriptures.
  9. Write a letter to God. Or write a letter about your relationship with God, for your children to discover in the future.  Include thoughts that reveal how God is working in your life, spiritual struggles, answers to prayer, and how God has been faithful to you.
  10. Use part of your journal to list prayer requests and answers to prayer.
  11. Write about how Jesus has changed your life and how you would like your life to be in the future as He continues to change you.
  12. Blog about what you are learning from the Bible and how God is using Scripture to change your life.

Bible journaling is a great way to bring your creativity to the Bible. It’s also a way of making the Bible come alive for you by making it more personal.  Also see our Prayer Journaling Ideas.

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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.