Does Your Mind Ever Wander When Reading the Bible?
Journaling while you are having your personal devotions is interactive. Did you ever read Scripture or a daily reading in your devotional book, only to realize that your mind had been wandering and you didn’t absorb any of it? That happened to me this morning as I was reading some Scripture.
So I pulled out a devotional journal book that I haven’t looked at for awhile. As I reread a section of the book and what I had written in the response area, it all came alive. It stirred my mind and heart to think about how I would write today in response to the reading as compared to what I had written a couple years ago. I was engaged in the Word.
What Kind of Journal Should I Use?
Often just a plain lined Notebook or Notebook Journal works well. Some people enjoy using a devotional journal instead.
Devotional journals are books with short devotional readings along with space for you to write your thoughts and reflections on what you have read. Some of them have questions to contemplate.
An Example of My Own Devotional Journaling
Here is what the Lord showed me today through a devotional journal:
Luke 18:15-7 tells how some parents brought babies and little children to Jesus, wanting Him to bless them. The disciples tried to shoo them away. Maybe they were tired of the masses of people who came to Jesus so often. Maybe it was the end of a long day. Maybe they didn’t think children were important enough to deserve Jesus’ attention. We can only guess at their reasons.
But Jesus called out to everyone there and made the point that they were not to forbid the kids from coming to Him. He welcomed them. We can imagine Him gathering these little ones into His arms, hugging them, holding them, and blessing them. I’m sure the kids were totally responsive to Jesus and could sense His love as He welcomed them to come near to Him.
Jesus told everyone that all of this was like the kingdom of God. He said that we need to receive the kingdom of God in the same way that these little kids were responding to Him.
I especially enjoy seeing, hugging, and talking to my grandchildren. I love them so much, but I know that my love is limited compared to God’s love for each of us. I have to remember that God loves me and loves to spend time with me, even more than I love to spend time with them.
Jesus called for the children to come to Him. He said the kingdom of God is connected to the faith of little ones. My prayer is this, “Lord, give me the faith of a child to believe You and to freely come to you throughout the day today. Help me to realize that You are continually welcoming me into Your Presence. I want to respond to You just as those little children responded to You.”
Write As Much or As Little As You Like
I like to write, so I often write a lot when I journal. But you might like to just make lists or copy a few verses that speak to you. There is no right or wrong way to journal. Whatever helps you to focus on God’s Word and to write something that you can come back to in the future is all you need.
Using a devotional journal helped to bring my focus back to the Word of God and helped me personalize it. You can do devotional journaling by simply writing notes as you read Scriptures. Whatever your format, writing helps you experience listening to God and applying what He is saying to your life. Going back to read what you’ve written in the past often brings back the initial blessing of what He said to you and stimulates new thoughts about what He is saying to you today. Try it. You’ll like it.
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