What Does It Mean to Dig Up the Old Wells of Revival?

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Recently I have heard the term “Dig up the old wells of revival” several times in regard to seeking God to revisit geographic locations in which the Holy Spirit was poured out in the past.  In this devotional, I’ll share some exciting news about a current revival that is happening where in the past, revival sprung up suddenly.
by Karen S. Roberts

Where Did This “Old Wells” Phrase Come From?

Redig wells of revival
Dig wells of revival

In Genesis 26, we read that Isaac and his family, who were prosperous with servants and herds and flocks of animals, needed to relocate to places which had wells of water available.  Due to the animals needing to graze and have water, they had to move around.  Philistine King Abimelech and certain groups of people opposed Isaac in certain places, which also caused him to move.

When Isaac moved to the Valley of Gerar, he found that the wells that his father Abraham’s servants had dug in the past had been filled in with dirt by the Philistines.  Isaac had his servants dig up those wells so that they could be used again.  Once the wells could be used, he had refreshing water for his people and animals.  He went on to dig new wells as well.

This true account is also used as an allegory when used to talk about digging up the old wells of revival.  It took time and work to dig up those old wells in Gerar.  The wells had to be emptied of dirt, and the clear water had to be uncovered.  It takes time, faith, and much prayer to see revivals spring up in places where they have been before, as well as in new places.  We want to see God remove sin from individuals and from our land, uncovering the hidden springs of spiritual water.

So, What are the Wells of Revival?

Many of the past revivals in the history of our country and around the world seemed to suddenly spring up, many of them in specific geographical areas.

Manifestations of God’s Spirit moving drew hundreds or thousands to Christ during periods of weeks, months, or years in which God’s Spirit moved in different ways.  Some revivals are known for massive numbers of people committing their lives to Christ.  Others are known for the renewal of faith and commitment among Christians.  Others are known for healings and deliverances.

One example was a revival through the ministry of Charles Finney in Rochester, NY and surrounding areas, beginning in 1830.  100,000 people came to Christ for salvation, with lives being radically changed.  Bars were closed and jails emptied as the culture of the city was changed during that time. This was a localized revival.

Many Christians in the Rochester area are earnestly praying for the Lord to open that well again and send a new revival to the area.

The Great Awakening

In the 1730s through 1740s, the 13 colonies experienced what is now called “The Great Awakening.” God used many preachers in many locations to bring the good news about having a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.  Many of the preachers, such as George Whitefield, were itinerant, taking the gospel to various locations throughout the colonies.

In Massachusetts, Jonathan Edwards’ famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” turned hundreds of people to repentance from sin.

Throughout the colonies, Christians who had settled into apathy were reawakened to vibrant faith in Christ.  And many who had never committed their lives to Christ before, did.

A Second Great Awakening happened in the New England states during the 1790’s.

A New Great Awakening?

Today Christians throughout the world are praying for a new Great Awakening.  Besides praying, many are boldly moving forward, led by the Holy Spirit, to be used of God to bring this about.  In revivals, God works in and through people.

As I write this in February of 2023, I am excited to see new moves of God taking place.

This week at Asbury University in Wilmore, KY, an old well has been dug up.  In the 1970’s a huge revival hit the college, spreading to many other college campuses and churches throughout the USA.  My college, Houghton, was one of many that were visited by God in a special way during that time.

On February 8th of this year, a new move of God suddenly happened.  Hundreds of students have been spending most of their time in the chapel 24/7 for days.  Classes have been temporarily cancelled.  People from outside the college are showing up just to be in God’s Presence, which has been reported to be tangible in the chapel.  People are flocking to the altar and kneeling at seats to pray and to be prayed for.  Nonstop public repentance, prayer, testimonies, and worship are going on.  Musical groups and piano players rotate with each other.  Music is unplanned.  They sing, as they are led by God, and the people join in.

At least two other Christian colleges have sent busloads of their students to Asbury to taste of revival and carry it back to their campuses. I heard that there are at least three other college campuses to which this revival has spread already.

Where Else is God Moving?

Next week, Flashpoint, a Christian TV and online program, is holding a two-day event purposely to help dig up the wells of revival.  They are meeting at the Brownsville Church in Pensacola, FL, in which another revival took place, lasting about 5 years, in the 1990s.  That revival was noted for spiritually refreshing Christians and for healing miracles.

Recently I have read reports from Cru that their Jesus Film Project is resulting in saving and healing miracles throughout many nations of the earth.  Slavic Gospel Association reports many salvations through their ministries in Russia and Ukraine.  Jews for Jesus reports that many Jewish people from around the world are reaching out to them to inquire online, wanting more information about Yeshua (Jesus).  The Billy Graham Association writes about huge responses through crusades and online outreach, with hundreds coming to Christ.  Many other ministries are reporting the same thing.

Mario Murillo has been conducting tent meetings throughout California and other areas.  Not only do hundreds receive Jesus as Savior in these meetings, but also many have been healed and delivered from addictions.  Gang members are coming to Christ.

Many believe that we are in the middle of the last Great Awakening, and that is worldwide.

What Next?

Many ministries believe that we are seeing the final Harvest of souls before Christ catches His followers up in an instant to join Him in heaven. After that will come a terrible time of trouble, turbulence, and upheavals on the earth, with the Antichrist taking power until Jesus returns to judge sin and renew the earth.

So what should WE do?
Pray for the coming of the greatest revival ever seen.
Make yourself available for God to use YOU to reach people for Him.
Pray for boldness for yourself and others and for wisdom as to how to reach people for Christ.
Give finances to ministries that are already bringing many to Christ.  With more finances, they can expand their outreaches to touch the world with God’s message and miracles.

Isaiah 44:3  For I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground: I will pour my spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thine offspring…

Are you thirsty for revival?  Are you seeing revival happen?  If so, please share in the comments below.

You may want to read our post, How Does Revival Come?



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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.