End of Winter Devotional

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Winter Road
Dont focus on the difficulty of the long road Look up and enjoy the majesty that surrounds you

Depending upon where you live, you might be getting frustrated with the sometimes gloomy days of a long-lasting winter.  Maybe you’re longing so much for the warmth and greenery of spring that you’re missing the sparkling beauty of the cold, crisp days of winter.

It’s tough to get excited about dirty piles of melting snow and skeleton trees.  But even in February, when fresh snow falls and decorates snow branches, the beauty of it can grab your senses.  And when sunshine creates glistening snow diamonds, your spirits lift, and you might even find yourself smiling.  Of course, you could miss the beauty if you are concentrating on how cold it is or how long the winter is lasting.

The days of our lives flow in cycles like the seasons.  Circumstances can sometimes weigh us down like dreary snow banks that seemingly never melt.  When something new, fresh, and beautiful happens, we may feel as glistening as the white sun-stroked snow.  Or we might not even notice because our thoughts are filled with troubles and struggles.

We all live with the ups and downs, goods and bads, and blessings and struggles of life.  If we focus on the difficulties and problems, we may not even realize the blessings and opportunities that we encounter.  But if we are focusing on Jesus  and looking at challenges as opportunities for spiritual growth, we’ll find sparkles and spiritual riches, even when the worst of life’s snowdrifts come our way.

Hebrews 12:2  …looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (NKJ)

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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.