Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind

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This devotion is a follow-up to one that we published previously, “Let’s Press Toward the Mark!”


Although we Christians have the desire to press toward that mark of the high calling of God, sometimes something holds us back.  Peter J. Foster shares his thoughts with us on what to do when the remnants of past experiences hold us back.

“Forgetting those things which are behind…”
In the Book of Mark Chapter 4 v 3, Jesus is talking about our heart’s being as soil in which we plant the seed of God’s Word. Our heart need to be ‘soft’ in order to receive His Word and for faith to grow. Conversely, ‘hardened’ hearts do not produce God’s kind of faith. In this scenario, the seeds of God’s Word are either plucked away by birds or they wither on stony or dry ground, and die!

Consequently, the condition of our heart determines the likelihood of a harvest.

Moving on to Philippines 3:13, Paul the Apostle encourages us to “…press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

This is what we long to do. It is a place where faith is working in our lives and we are producing fruit for the Kingdom. There’s no happier place to be!

A Problem?
But there is a problem, I have discovered, in that my own hardened heart has been a hindrance to producing good fruit. It is a problem that prevents me from “pressing towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

The problem is this: my heart has been hardened through past hurts, sins, fears, pride, rejection and unbelief. And no matter how hard I try to get God’s affirming Word into my heart, (so that I might press toward the goal in faith), those seeds of God’s Word do not bear fruit. They find only ‘stones’ of offense and thorns and thistles of bitterness, fears, and unforgiveness.

The Solution
The remedy, though, is to be found in the same Philippines chapter. We are urged to “Forget those things which are behind..”

This speaks to me of Healing – that is:
Healing the hurts of the past, fears, and wounds through prayer, repentance, and faith. My hardened heart needs to be healed so that faith might be able to work in me: faith working through love (Galatians 5 v 6)

With His faith now working in me through love, I am ready to Press towards the Goal and to bring Him Glory.


Peter J. Foster is a Christian Life Coach from the United Kingdom.  You can visit his website, Christian Life Coaching, to learn more about him and his services.

Peter J. Foster
Peter J Foster Christian Life Coach



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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.