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In Everything Give Thanks

by Karen S. Roberts

“In everything give thanks.”  1 Thessalonians 5:18

In this devotional, we consider the benefits of giving thanks in every situation.

In the Psalms, we frequently come across references to giving thanks.
It is good to give thanks to the Lord,
nd to sing praises to Your name, O Most High;
To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning,
And Your faithfulness every night…  Psalm 92:1-2 NKJV     

Giving Thanks is a Repeated Command

Throughout the Old Testament we are told to give thanks to God.  Here is one example:

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!
For His mercy endures forever.  Psalm 107:1  NKJV

The command to be thankful is repeated in the New Testament.
…speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,  giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…  Ephesians 5:19-20  NKJV

And we read of many examples of people in the Bible who recognized the blessings of God and gave thanks

Giving Thanks Can Seem Hard         

In everything give thanksIn addition to being told to give thanks for all things, in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, we are told, “In everything give thanks.”  This means to give thanks, no matter what – even if we are having difficult problems.

That seems like a hard command.  What if you are struggling with physical or emotional pain?  What if you are mourning the loss of a relative or good friend?  What if you’ve been rejected by someone that you were close to?  What if your spouse lost a job and you are struggling financially?  Or what if you live in Ukraine, suffering as an enemy nation is bombing your nation?  What if someone is telling lies about you?

These are all struggles that people in our world are dealing with today.  Whether or not you give thanks in everything will influence how difficult life situations turn out.

We should thank Him because of who He is and His greatness.   Expressing thanks during hard times shows that we trust that God is with us, He loves us, and He is working things out for us, regardless of how difficult or hurtful the situation is.

When God, through His Word, instructs us to do something, it is because He knows that it will benefit us. Did you know that expressing gratitude has been proven to have great benefits for those who regularly give thanks?

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude

I was studying gratitude and kept coming across writers who mentioned that the benefits of expressing gratitude had been scientifically proven through many studies.  That led me to find videos about how gratitude helps us.  And I dug into some research to make sure that what people were claiming about gratitude was really true.

Here are some of the proven benefits that I discovered:

  •      Positive changes in thinking patterns, resulting in more happiness and satisfaction
  •      A sense of well-being and satisfaction
  •      Stress reduction and better sleep
  •      More optimism
  •      Better physical and mental health
  •      Better relationships with others

God Created You to Benefit from Giving Thanks

Learning about how expressing gratitude brings about such positive changes in a person’s life opened my understanding of why God tells us to always give thanks – no matter what.

God created us and made us so that responding to Him with thanksgiving causes our bodies and minds to respond in amazing ways.

When we concentrate on the negatives in life, we can fall into depression, bitterness, sickness, and addictions.  But when we concentrate on Jesus, how great He is, and the blessings He has given us, we are pulled out of feeling overwhelmed with our problems.  When we pray, praise Him, and thank Him, we can look to Him in faith, knowing that He is working in our situation and wants to reveal more of Himself to us.

We can give thanks to God because He is changing us for the better, doing an inner work in our spirits as we allow Him to do so.  As we express gratitude, our bodies, souls, and spirits are touched by His grace.

The Benefits of Gratitude Journaling

In some other articles on this website I’ve mentioned how journaling can help you in your personal quiet time with God.  So I was intrigued by finding research concerning how journaling your gratefulness can benefit you.

A 2005 study showed that keeping a gratitude diary reduced depression by more than 30% over the study period. And a 2015 study by the American Psychological Association found that patients who kept gratitude diaries for eight weeks had lower levels of depression and anxiety.

Other studies have shown that participants who kept gratitude journals for ten weeks reported having fewer health problems and spending more time exercising.  Participants reported more satisfaction with their lives and were more optimistic about the future than the control group who did not journal.

The gratitude group also reported more satisfaction with their lives as a whole, felt more optimism about the upcoming week, and felt considerably more connected with others than did participants in the control group.

A Gratitude Journal for You

Learning about the benefits of gratitude has inspired me to spend more time journaling my gratitude.  I put together a printable journal called “My Thankfulness Journal”

I think that some of our readers will benefit from using it.   Everyone can afford it, for you can pay whatever you feel it’s worth.  And if you can’t afford to pay anything, just put 0 where you set up your payment.  You’ll be sent the download link.  Just click the book cover below to get it.

My Thankfulness Journal

Why not leave a comment below to share how expressing thankfulness has benefitted you and helped you in your spiritual growth?



Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.