Jesus is Beautiful

When you know and love Jesus, you can’t help but to burst into song!  As you grow to understand who He is and how much He loves you, you gain ever increasing glimpses of His beauty.  Praises flow out of you, and sometimes you feel overwhelmed by His goodness to you.  Joy and peace fill you as you draw close to Him and get caught up in worshiping Him. Thousands of songs have been written about Jesus, because knowing Him personally is such a beautiful experience.  But the thousands of songs already written about Him cannot begin to express everything that you can know and experience in your relationship with Him.  That’s why every year you’ll find even more songs being written about our Beautiful Jesus!  Eternity will be filled with ever increasing praise and worship of our God, who is so amazing and wonderful that even there in heaven new songs will rise up from His worshipers.

If you don’t know our Beautiful Jesus, take a look at our “How to Know God” page. Let’s take some time out today to blend our own praises with those who have written these beautiful songs of worship to Him. Worship Videos Third Day sings “You Are So Good To Me”



Hillsong expresses the beauty of the Lord in “The Potter’s Hand.”



Not only is the song, “You’re Beautiful” by Phil Wickham really good, but the video itself is amazing – a lot of it looks three dimensional.




Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.