New Every Morning

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Beautiful Flowers
Lets praise and thank Him for His beautiful creation

by Karen S. Roberts

God’s blessings are new every morning.  I think we especially realize this on a beautiful spring morning.   As I look at the flowers and the new leaves on the trees, while hearing the birds chirping, praise to our Creator rises up in my heart.

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning in May.  The sun is shining! After a spring that started off warm and then got chilly, its great to see that warm weather has returned!  I’m anticipating going to church in a little while.  It will be wonderful to join others in worship and to draw close to God together.

The old song “Morning Has Broken” runs through my mind as I enjoy the nature around me.

A Promise from a Faithful God

The verses that popped into my head this morning were Lamentations 3:22-23.
His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.

These verses are the basis for the great hymn, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”  They reveal to us that because of God’s mercy, we are not overcome by the difficulties of life.  We see His faithfulness, even when we go through tough times.

Every morning, whether it is glorious morning like this morning, or whether it’s a gloomy, stormy day, our Heavenly Father is ready to pour out His compassion and mercy upon us.  If we invite Him, He renews our spirits and makes us new every morning.

Let’s Praise God Today

Let’s lift our hearts and voices to Him in praise and thanksgiving.  He is our wonderful Lord, who blesses us in so many ways when we are committed to Him.  He restores us, provides for us, heals us, extends grace to us, renews us, and fills us with His joy and peace.  As we listen to these hymns, let’s worship Him today!

Enjoy these videos.  Worship along with them and experience His mercy which is new every morning.

Great Is Thy Faithfulness









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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.