by Karen S. Roberts
I bet you sang “Row, row, row your boat when you were a kid. It was fun to sing it in a round with other kids. And of course, we made up silly variations, such as “Throw your teacher overboard and listen to her scream.”
Who would have thought that reaching the destiny that God has for your life would be like rowing a boat? In this video by Dutch Sheets, he makes some interesting comparisons to rowing. And he also helps us understand what it means in Scriptures that talk about predestination.
You row backward to move forward.
You look back at a focal point so that you can row straight to your destination. How does that relate to our lives? The video will make it clear.
Let’s press on toward the destinies for which God has designed us. Each of us was designed uniquely for a specific purpose. Let’s look back at the goodness God has shown us, drawing faith for the next steps He has called us to.
And let’s pray for our country, that we will return to the paths of righteousness that God has called us to.
Row, row, row your boat.