Spring Is Fighting to Take Over

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by Karen S. Roberts

Spring is coming

Living in western New York, I’ve noticed every year that Spring seems to be in a fight to break through and stay here.

About the beginning of March, all of us who are weary of winter start discussing how we can’t wait for spring weather to get here. We get teased a bit by a few warm days that don’t stay for long. We struggle to accept that there could be plenty of days with cold winds, snow, and ice before spring weather takes over.

At least in March, the bitter biting cold and lingering piles of snow seem to be gone. As March progresses, t’s not unusual to have snow on the ground in the morning, and see that it’s all melted away by noon. We usually have several days of high winds as the low pressure and high pressure systems struggle against each other.

When April comes, we are really longing for Spring. I daily check the ten-day forecasts in hopes that I’ll see a warming trend. Often we see the trend overall, but with plenty of dips in temperatures. And sometimes those white flakes make their appearance again.

This April we’ve had a couple of days in the 70’s. What a joy to shed our jackets to soak up some sun, go for walks, and fire up the grill. We had one of those days recently, but this morning. snow flakes were falling, although not sticking to the ground. Right now the wind is howling as those pressure systems continue to clash. I had to wear my winter coat again when I went out to my writers’ group this morning. Just a few days ago I was outside in a T-shirt.

Buds, leaves, and blossoms are popping out. The small woods behind our house is getting greener and greener with each passing day. In spite of today’s weather, I know one thing for sure – Spring weather is coming. Even though we have two more days forecast to be cold, dreary weather, it won’t be long until warmth will take over and we’ll be heading toward the hot weather of summer.

If you’ve read Ecclesiastes 3, you know it speaks of how there is a season for everything. These verses mention a time to plant and a time to harvest, but go on to include many other aspects of life. We like the season called “a time to be born,” but not so much the one called “a time to die.” If you haven’t read that chapter lately, take a look again and think about each season that is mentioned and how it relates to your own life.

Just as Spring is fighting to break through, and winter is passing, we have seasons in our lives in which we have to fight through spiritually. There are trials, temptations, and tests that come our way. Just as sure as I am that Spring weather will finally be here, I am also sure that God’s promises are true. When I go through wintery seasons in my life, I hold on to those promises by faith.

Those high and low pressure systems that seem to fight each other remind me that we are in a spiritual war. Don’t let the spiritual lows hang on to you. Look up to Jesus and draw from the power of the Holy Spirit as you fight spiritual battles.

In the Bible God has promised many things to those who love and serve Him. A few are these: salvation, provision for our needs, power over sin, healing, wisdom, and strength for whatever trials we are facing. He keeps His word. He doesn’t promise that everything will always be like springtime in our lives. We grow in faith and character as we latch onto the Lord through the tough times.

We know that He does not leave us in the winter periods all the time. Many places in the scripture mention “an appointed season” and “in due season.” Trust Him, walk with Him, pray, fast, and worship Him. In due season you will be released from winter and will progress into spring seasons in your life.

When it is Spring, I don’t spend time mulling over the fact that ice and snow will probably arrive again next November. I am all set to enjoy Spring!

Likewise, when I leave tough seasons of life behind, I fully enjoy the blessings that God gives me, thanking and praising Him and enjoying His Presence. I don’t spend time worrying about what the next tough season of life will be like. Matthew 6 tells us not to worry. God will take care of us.

Spring is coming!

In the comments below, please share a Bible verse which is a promise that you have held onto during a tough season in your life.

Ancient Testaments of the Patriarchs: Autobiographies from the Dead Sea Scrolls

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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.