God is fatithful even when things are broken.

My Story of God’s Faithfulness

God's faithfulness even when things are broken.
#God’s Faithfulness

Over the past several months, I’ve experienced God’s faithfulness, goodness, and love in profound ways. As Psalm 100:5 reminds us: “For the LORD is good; His steadfast love endures forever, and His faithfulness to all generations.”

God’s Faithfulness to Provide

Due to dementia, diabetes, and Parkinsonism, my husband David’s health rapidly declined over the past year,.  In 2022, God made a way for us to move in with my daughter’s family when they bought a larger home.  This allowed my daughter to assist me with David’s care. God showed Himself to be faithful, good, and loving as we sometimes felt helpless to meet his growing needs for care.

In 2023, I found a new friend who was available to assist with David from time to time, allowing me to get some much needed breaks from the demands of constant need for care. This was a blessing to my daughter and me.  God knew that we needed help and sent it.  God’s goodness to us was evident.

Navigating More Challenges

In September, 2023, my church dissolved, leaving me grieving over the loss of my church family. I felt like this was the worst possible time in my life for this to happen.  David had minor surgery that month, which caused his mental condition to worsen. Despite the heartbreak of watching David’s decline and the dissolution of our church, God brought comfort, strength, and new opportunities for ministry. He also provided a new church family who gave prayer support and encouragement.

And Then Came Website Troubles

Even while caring for David, I managed to post one or two devotions each month until February of this year. Then, a major issue arose with my website, preventing me from saving or publishing posts. I later discovered that malware had infected the site, disrupting the database. Feeling overwhelmed, I handed the situation over to God, needing to let go of something I had loved.  Knowing that God is faithful, I knew that in time the problem would be resolved.

Hospital Struggles and Hospice Care

After two lengthy hospital stays and rehab this year, David’s condition worsened. During the second hospital stay, he could no longer get out of bed and walk. I was told that he had a limited time to live. When home hospice care became necessary, God’s timing was evident.  My daughter and I struggled to give David care as he quickly became weaker, in pain, and unable to eat or drink.  On an especially hard day, the Lord sent a Christian hospice aide who brought comfort and fellowship at a time when we desperately needed help. It was difficult to watch David suffer, but we sensed peace in knowing that he would soon be in the amazing presence of Jesus, free from pain and suffering.

David’s Final Days

As family gathered around David, we played and sang hymns, which he loved. In a touching moment, he raised his hands, held together as though in prayer, while the music was playing.  Athough he was unable to speak, eat, or drink, he was clearly praising his Savior.  A couple of days later, he was able to worship in the glorious Presence of God.  He was home in heaven with His Savior, Jesus Christ.  He passed away on June 4 2024.

God’s Continuing Faithfulness

As I adjust to life as a widow, the Lord has expanded my ministry opportunities, bringing joy amidst grief. Last week my website was finally fixed!  I’m grateful to resume writing devotions, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Through all the struggles of the past year, I have continued to experience God’s love, faithfulness, and goodness. His steadfast presence has been my anchor, proving that He indeed is faithful to all generations.

Courageous / Facing the Giants / Fireproof / Flywheel / Overcomer / Show Me the Father / War Room (2015) - Set
Click Here for a set of inspiring movies about God’s faithfulness

by Karen S. Roberts                                                                                       


Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.