Background of the Book of Titus
The book of Titus in the Bible is small and often overlooked. Yet if you look closely, you’ll find a treasure of information there on how Christians should be living. You’ll also find warnings about how Christians should not be living.
Imagine Titus, a young new pastor, appointed by the apostle Paul, starting his ministry on the island of Crete. This was a place infamous for evil doing and for false teachers who were swaying Christians away from the truth. Kind of a scary situation for a new pastor to be thrust into, don’t you think?
Paul writes this letter to Titus to encourage him and to instruct him how to deal with the evil around him. He gives Titus instructions on what to teach the Christians of Crete so that their faith and actions will be based on a solid foundation.
Titus 3
Although this book of the Bible has three chapters, let’s focus our devotional time today on chapter 3. We’ll take a look at what character traits and actions are listed for true followers of Christ:
Being subject and obedient to authorities
Always being ready to do good works.
(This is emphasized three times in this short chapter.)
Refraining from speaking evil of people
Being peaceable and gentle
Having humility
Avoiding foolish disputes
That’s quite a list to live up to. These are not characteristics that we can just choose to have. We can only develop these traits as we invite the Holy Spirit to change us.
Paul reminds Titus and us in Titus 3:5-7 that we were not given the gift of salvation and eternal life through doing righteous things. It is God’s mercy that has saved us. It’s the washing away of our sins and regeneration that comes from the renewing of the Holy Spirit in us that we are changed. Jesus has extended His grace to us, making us right with God and even making us heirs of eternal life.
Therefore living the way we are instructed to live in Titus 3 isn’t an act of our determination to be better persons. Instead it takes daily yielding to the Lordship of Jesus and to the work of His Spirit in us. That’s what will change us into people who genuinely reflect Jesus Christ to others by the way we live.
Titus 3 also lists many sins that are connected to those who are not walking in relationship with God through Jesus. I won’t list them here. You can read them for yourself. It’s a wonderful contrast to see the sin that Jesus removed from us with the right kind of living and attitudes that He is forming in us.
None of us has fully arrived at living every moment according to the good actions and traits that we find in the Bible. We are all in a growing process. Let’s continue to allow the Holy Spirit to grow us into all we should be.
Prayer for Spiritual Growth and Change
Dear Lord, thank you for showing us how we should live and also for providing the power to live the way you want us to. We ask that you will continue to change our lives to make us more like You. Give us the good character qualities listed in Titus 3. Set us free from any sin that we are holding onto. Place Your attitudes within us. Make us a light to others and open opportunities for us to share your Good News with those who are seeking You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.