Why You Need a Quiet Time With God

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by Karen S. Roberts

We are experts at making excuses for not having a devotional quiet time.

“I’m just too busy for a quiet time today,” said Marie.  “I’ve got to grocery shop right after work and then cook dinner for the family and two dinner guests.  Before I leave for work, I’ve got to clean the house.”

Sound familiar?  We are all on tight schedules, often rushing from one thing to another.  One day leads to another, and it’s easy to get to the end of a week realizing that we spent very little time with God.

Make time for God

Why is a daily quiet time important?

We need a spiritual refill every day.  Just like we take time to eat every day in order to keep up our health and strength, our spirits need feeding also.  We have to be renewed to become stronger in our faith.

This morning I read Isaiah 40:31:
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

This reminded me that it’s important for me to do more than just read a Bible chapter, say a quick prayer, and rush into what I need to do today.  Part of a daily devotional time is taking time to worship and listen to God.   This involves waiting for His answers.  I’ve had a beautiful time with God today as I took the time out of my hectic life.  As I cleaned the kitchen I had worship music playing in the background.  This extended my time of listening and prayer, as I worked.

If Joshua needed to keep a daily connection with God, so do we.

As I opened Youtube on my phone this morning to find worship music, what popped up first was Dutch Sheets’ post from his broadcast yesterday of Give Him 15.  I decided to listen to that before I put on the music.  His title of the day was “First Things First.”  As I listened, I felt God was telling me to write about having a quiet time and to include his video.

As Dutch described Joshua’s need to keep up his daily connection with God, I was inspired to examine my own need for this.  You might think that someone who writes and edits a website called
Daily-devotionals.com would surely maintain a daily quiet time, right?

Well I often struggle with this, just as you do.  So let’s commit together to make take the time each day.  It might not always be in the morning.  It might be in the evening when we are scrolling through our phones, emails, or social media.  If you haven’t taken that time out yet today, do it now, or commit to a time today when you will do it.

I pray for each of you who reads this to experience God meeting you in a special way today as you meet with Him.  Let’s move forward in living a devotional life.

In the comments area, please share your experience with having a quiet time with God.


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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.