“April showers bring May flowers.”
This familiar saying expresses the hope and joy that spring brings after a long and dreary winter. Where I live in western NY, spring takes a while to arrive full force. We’ve had some wonderful “teaser days” with the temperatures in the high seventies. But just as we are getting spoiled by soaking up the sunshine, temperatures dip back into the 40’s and 50’s. And often when temperatures dip, rain comes.
But all around us, things are blooming. Leaves are popping out of buds on the trees, and flowers are springing up. The grass is green. May is coming, and that means the lilacs and apple blossoms will be out in all their glory. Winter is behind us. We are seeing glimpses of the spring beauty that is about to surround us.
Moving from April to May in your spiritual life
This time of year reminds us of the spiritual truth that when our trust is in God, He brings us through struggles in order to birth blossoming in our lives. Just as the April rains water the earth for growth, the tough times of life bring spiritual growth in us so that we can move into the destiny that He has planned for us.
Perhaps you’ve been through the harshness of a winter period in your life. As you have stayed faithful in your walk with Jesus, you are sensing that you are breaking out of the pain and struggles. But you aren’t fully out of it yet. It’s like being in a spiritual April. You know God is bringing you through, and your faith tells you that more blessings are ahead. Let HIm pour the waters of the Holy Spirit into your spirit so that you continue to grow.
The Bible tells us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). This does not mean that everything that happens to us is good, but that God can turn things around and use hard things for our ultimate good and his glory. He turns our trials into triumphs, our sorrows into joys, our losses into gains.
Biblical Examples of Moving from Struggles to Victory
Think of Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused by his master’s wife, and forgotten in prison. Yet God used all these events to prepare him for a position of power and influence in Egypt, where he saved many lives from famine, including his own family. He told his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20, NIV) By staying faithful to God, Joseph moved into the great purpose that God had for him. Getting there wasn’t easy. Life isn’t always easy for us either.
Consider Esther, who was taken from her home and forced to become the king’s wife. Yet God used her beauty and courage to save her people from a plot of genocide. She risked her life to approach the king and expose the evil scheme of Haman. Her uncle Mordecai had told her, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14, NIV) He was right!
Our ultimate example is Jesus, who was betrayed by one of his disciples, denied by another, and abandoned by the rest. He was mocked, beaten, and crucified. Yet God used his death to pay for our sins and His resurrection to give us eternal life. On the cross He said, “It is finished.” (John 19:30) He died to conquer death for us.
God’s Promise for You
God can bring beauty out of ashes, life out of death, and glory out of shame. He can make all things new (Revelation 21:5). He can turn our April showers into May flowers. Trust in His power and His love. Let’s say with the apostle Paul, “But we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5, NIV)
So look at your life right now. If you feel like you are in a barren winter, speak out words of faith that you are moving into spring. If your life is in April, and you are seeing glimpses of hope and freedom from the winter in your life, rejoice and keep allowing God to work. May is coming!
by Karen S. Roberts
You may be interested in our devotion called “Spring Clean Your Life.”