For several days I have not been able to get into this website in order to add posts and edit. The support team at my web hosting company offered a few suggestions to try, which did not work. Finally they said that it was a script problem – which basically meant that I had to figure it out by myself. They don’t assist with script problems.
Nightmarish thoughts of having to copy and paste every article on the site and start from scratch in building three years worth of posts all over again started playing in my mind. I had to dismiss those thoughts and pray for wisdom to know what to do.
I went out to rake leaves in the yard and prayed while I worked. (Not all of my prayers were for the website.) Later a couple more emails went back and forth between me and the support services, but the problem was not resolved.
I know that Daily-Devotionals.com ministers to around 15,000 visitors from around the world each month. Satan would love to shut this down. But I know that God wants the blog to continue to grow so that even more people can be reached with the good news about Jesus.
So I posted a note on my Facebook wall asking people to pray about this. Facebook is always a great way to get some people praying! As my husband and I prayed at the dinner table, I asked God aloud to solve the problem with the website.
I had an idea. In the panel area of my web hosting service was a notice that some of my websites needed to be updated to the latest WordPress script. The notice comes with a warning to back up your site first. Of course, I couldn’t back it up since I could not get into the administrative area. But I thought I should click the link to update the script. What did I have to lose? I couldn’t work on the site anyhow.
So I clicked and then tried again to log in. Praise God! I was in! And therefore I am able to write this post to the blog. God is so good!
Now a minute ago, as I was writing this, I clicked the Save button. My page jumped to a notice that I needed to sign into the administrative area all over again. The page I was writing went blank. I was determined that if I had to start this post all over again I would. I was not going to let satan continue to try to stop this message from going out.
God was gracious to me and somehow preserved the lost page so that when I logged back in I was able to find it.
It must be that someone out there really needs to know that when they are doing the work that God has called them to do, satan will sometimes battle it. But by prayer and not allowing worry to take over your mind, you will see the mighty hand of God at work. I have experienced this to be true over and over during my lifetime!
Yesterday at church our pastor, Gary Pfeiffer, gave a wonderful teaching on Psalm 91. The reminders of how God will be our refuge and deliverer when we abide in Him really helped me remember today that this website is in His hands, not mine. Verse 15 of the Psalm says to call on Him and He will answer, and that He will deliver us from trouble. It was beautiful to see God apply these words to my life and to this website today!
Yes, there are battles. But as verse 1 of the Psalm says, we can abide under the shadow of the Almighty. That’s a very safe place to be! You might want to read an article I wrote over a year ago that relates to this topic: Does God Have Wings?
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