Worship is rest for your soul
Experience rest from Jesus this Labor Day.

The Benefits of Rest Days, such as Labor Day

A Labor Day Devotion, by Karen S. Roberts

I know that many people have to work on Labor Day.  But for most people in the U.S., it is a rest day.  Did you know there are benefits of rest days, such as Labor Day?

Too many times I have labored on Labor Day, using it as a day to catch up on chores or shopping.  So often I don’t take time to just relax and rest.  As I was considering working on packing and storing some children’s ministry materials tomorrow (Labor Day), I felt the Lord speaking to me to take some time to rest.

I don’t always rest on Sundays either.  After attending church and preparing lunch, I tend to try to catch up on things that I feel need to be done.  I don’t always take advantage of having a “day of rest.”

God’s Plan is for Us to Rest

Today I was thinking of Jesus’ words, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath.  Therefore, the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath.”

God initiated the Sabbath because He knows that our bodies and minds need to rest.

Holidays Can be Extra Rest Days

Some holidays are like extra Sabbath days – especially Labor Day.  It is a day to honor those who work hard, day after day.  Whether you are working for an employer, self-employed, taking care of children or adults who need care, or even retired, you have work that you regularly do.  Even when you enjoy your work, it can wear you down if you don’t take time off to relax and rest.

In addition to Sabbath days, the Israelites of the Bible had many feast days in which they came together to worship, eat, see family and friends, and set aside their work for a few days.  God instituted these feast days to remind them of His goodness and care for them, and to give them time for reflection and repentance.  Although not all of us celebrate the Jewish feast days, we still need time for these type of activities.  Times of celebration with friends and family can be times of rest on a day when you are not doing your normal everyday labor.

Why Rest is Crucial for Your Health

Rest is often overlooked in today’s fast-paced, productivity oriented culture. With constant demands and an obsession with productivity, it can be tempting to sacrifice sleep and downtime in pursuit of our goals. However, neglecting rest is a grave mistake that can have detrimental effects on our overall health. It is during periods of rest that our bodies repair and regenerate cells for optimal functioning and longevity.

Lack of sleep has been linked to numerous chronic diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Furthermore, inadequate rest impairs cognitive function and memory, making it harder for us to perform well at work or to make important decisions.

Taking regular breaks throughout the day can boost creativity and productivity levels by giving our brains an opportunity to recharge. Rest allows for mental clarity and reduces stress levels, and that strengthens the immune system. So instead of viewing rest as a luxury or a sign of laziness, we should recognize it as an essential component of maintaining both physical and mental wellbeing.

God Created You to Need Rest

Don’t feel guilty when you have a list of things to do, but take some time to rest.  You need it!  It will refresh you and prepare you for getting those things done later.  Sometimes in a restful state, your subconscious mind comes up with creative solutions for problems you are trying to solve and ways to get things done.  When you are constantly pushing yourself, you aren’t going to get the benefits that rest can bring you.

Rest is not just about getting enough sleep; it’s about carving out dedicated time for relaxation and rejuvenation. Give yourself permission to slow down and recharge. This allows your body and mind to recover from the daily stressors you face. By incorporating rest into your routines, you can cultivate greater mental clarity, increased focus, improved creativity, and enhanced problem-solving skills – ultimately enabling you to be more productive in the long run.

Indulging in moments of rest doesn’t mean being lazy or unproductive; rather, it signifies self-care and acknowledging our limitations as human beings. Embracing rest doesn’t mean completely disengaging from responsibilities, but striking a healthy balance between work and leisure. It is about finding those pockets of stillness that allow us to reconnect with ourselves and God – to regain perspective, giving rise to a healthier overall life experience.

Jesus Offers Rest for Your Spirit

Jesus said, “Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30.

He offers rest for your soul, as well as for your mind and body.  If you are living with inner turmoil, struggling with sin, feeling overwhelmed, or full of doubts about God’s love for you, come to Jesus and draw upon Him for spiritual rest.  Quiet yourself, listen for Him to speak to you, pray, and rest in His presence.  Open up your heart and allow Him to give you His supernatural rest.

Worship is rest for your soul
Experience rest from Jesus this Labor Day.

My Labor Day Plans

So what am I going to do tomorrow on Labor Day?  Well, I will likely do a few necessary things around the house.  But also, my husband and I are going to meet up with our daughter and her family to sit by a peaceful lake for a couple of hours – enjoying some rest and family time.

Comment below to tell us how you are spending your Labor Day!


Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.