Taste and See That the Lord is Good
I made a chocolate pie just a few minutes ago, and made sure that all the pudding did not end in the pie crust...so I could have a taste!
I made a chocolate pie just a few minutes ago, and made sure that all the pudding did not end in the pie crust...so I could have a taste!
It might be clearer to us today to ask, “Who is your boss? Is sin the boss of your life or is Jesus the boss of your life?”
Fount Shults has experience in helping people who may or may not realize that they've been affected by a spiritual condition in which they feel orphaned. He has helped many…
Nightmarish thoughts of having to copy and paste every article on the site and start from scratch in building three years worth of posts all over again started playing in my mind.
The enemy of our souls would love to have us be so taken up in thinking about how people have hurt us that we become ineffective in our walk with God.
Our dilemma was combating the idea of secular humanism - the belief that people can have morals or be ethical without God. In a world where the significance of the Good News of Jesus Christ is diluted to the point of equality with other religions, even by some in the church, our group took seriously the charge to keep the Truth in the forefront of everything we do.
Weather is terribly unpredictable, like rest of life. It reminds me of a fact I've heard about the odds of all the predictions of the Old Testament coming true. It's a ratio of some-stupidly-large-number-with-lots-of-commas-and-zeros to one.
It takes time for God to paint a rose. It takes time for God to grow an oak. It takes time for God to make bread from wheat fields. He takes the earth. He pulverizes. He softens. He enriches. He wets with showers and dews. He warms with life. He gives the blade, the stock, the amber grain, and then at last the bread for the hungry.
I'm in the process of moving. What a job! Boxes are piled high and I'm discovering things that were tucked away that I had forgotten about.
If you feel like your life is stuck in a hole and you can't get out, this video will give you something to think about.