A Heart Cry for Our Youth
As parents, how do we gather back what has slipped through our fingers? Is there hope to see the beauty of holiness in the midst of such a fallen world?
As parents, how do we gather back what has slipped through our fingers? Is there hope to see the beauty of holiness in the midst of such a fallen world?
Why then should we be surprised when we have refugees from the spiritual war in which we are involved? Usually they are licking their spiritual wounds and talking about how big the enemy is.
At first glance, this wonderful Scripture seems to be all inclusive. Nothing can separate us from the love of God! More often than not, however, first glances and Scripture may prove to be a poor combination. When you look closely, there is one huge portion missing. In line three of verse 38 there is nothing said about the past!
Fireproof was one of the most heart-rending and emotionally stirring movies that I've seen. The marriage struggles shown in the movie are the same ones that so many couples are dealing with.
by Karen S. Roberts Include Prayer in Your Job Hunt Whether trying to find a job or looking for a promotion in your current job, being a job hunter…