Heat Wave
As I write this, much of the United States is engulfed by a humid heat wave. People are trying to deal with the heat by going into air conditioned places…
As I write this, much of the United States is engulfed by a humid heat wave. People are trying to deal with the heat by going into air conditioned places…
When you know and love Jesus, you can't help but to burst into song! As you grow to understand who He is and how much He loves you, you gain…
We need both kinds of revelation. We need to take in the written word of God while seeking for the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts and bring revelation of how that word applies to us. We need daily revelation to know what God is showing us.
Many who pray for revival are wanting to a move of God that will change our culture and will bring many into a personal relationship with Christ. But the Scripture is clear that true revival starts in the hearts of the followers of Jesus first, and then spreads out to those who do not know Him.
We would load up a couple of grocery bags and bring them home. Other than comparing them and drilling holes in them to string buckeye necklaces, I don’t remember much else we did other than stick them in the garage until they got moldy and wormy and then they were throw out.
Jesus acquired followers quickly, and He didn't need Twitter to do it! At a historical time when there weren't even printing presses, let alone computers and the internet, it might seem amazing that His fame spread so quickly throughout Israel, and later throughout the world.
If we only step out into what we have the ability to do, we will never know what it is like to walk in God's divine power.