by John Rataczak
And my soul shall be joyful in the Lord: it shall rejoice in His salvation. (Psalm 35:9).
Can anyone doubt that God has provided a complete salvation? From eternity past to eternity future He has met the needs of His beloved. He has demonstrated His wisdom, holiness, immutability, and amazing love!
What should be our response? Obviously, we should (and will) praise Him forever!
In addition, Christians should take courage while serving the Lord in this life. Below are reasons for believers to ponder God’s goodness in providing such a wonderful salvation. God gives us richly “all things to enjoy” (I Timothy 6:17).
1. Do you ever feel neglected?
God foreknew, chose, and predestinated your salvation before creation!
2. Do you ever feel worthless?
You have been made a new creature by regeneration!
3. Do you ever feel enslaved or trapped?
You have been redeemed and set free by His blood!
4. Do you ever feel your sin hasn’t been paid for?
You have a holy standing before God in positional sanctification!
5. Do you ever feel Satan is winning battles in your spiritual life?
God has actually declared you not only “not guilty,” but “absolutely righteous” in justification!
Satan cannot overturn such a declaration!
Satan cannot overturn such a declaration!
6. Do you ever feel that you don’t belong to God?
You have been baptized into His body and adopted into His family!
7. Do you ever feel you have no place in God’s work?
He has made you an ambassador and a priest!
8. Do you ever feel helpless to learn or make good decisions?
The Holy Spirit indwells you!
9. Do you ever feel you need power to serve the Lord? How about needing help in your relationships?
The Holy Spirit fills believers who totally surrender to Him!
10. Do you ever feel you don’t have the ability to minister or serve the Lord?
He has given all of us spiritual gifts!
After looking at a list such as this, surely we can agree with the Apostle Paul, who said,
“He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He
not with Him freely give us all things? Who shall lay any thing to the charge of
God’s elect (Romans 8:32-33a)?
These thoughts are from “The Ramifications of Our Salvation” by Dr. John
Rataczak, the author of Eleutheros Books. Interested? Check out his website:
Enjoy these Scriptures of encouragement for Christians on this video: