Feeling muddy

Get Up Out of the Mud

Do you feel like you are stuck in the mud?  Have you fallen into fear, anxiety, lack of confidence, worry, frustration, or bad habits?  

Our guest writer Mae Jones gives us some insights.           

Feeling muddy

What Do You Do When You Fall Down?

Once my daughter Hannah slipped and fell in muddy water. We had been visiting my gram, and at the bottom of her steps there was an overflow of water that the drain pipe could not handle. We had to hop over it.

Hannah didn’t quite make it. She sat down with a PLOP and started crying.

My husband said, “Get up! Get up before it soaks all the way to your skin!”

Well, it was one of those “epiphany” kind of moments for me. God often uses everyday stuff to teach me things. I started thinking about all the times I have fallen down, goofed up, and made mistakes. It’s hard, and it hurts. It can even be embarrassing!

Sometimes you just want to sit there in your mess and cry. But, what my husband said is right! The longer you sit there, the more damage you are doing.    GET UP! GET UP!

The longer you sit there, the more you allow the devil to whisper condemnation into your spirit — “You are a failure! You do this all the time. You can’t get anything right.”

Oh you know. You’ve heard him. He wants to steal every last bit of your confidence. He wants to make you feel helpless, hopeless, useless and stupid.


Remember, satan is a liar! You are precious to God! You are loved!

Give your failures to God. It’s amazing what He can do with them! Sometimes just the lesson learned makes it a valuable experience.

Thomas Edison, the inventor had an amazing attitude. “When asked about his journey, he says his most famous quote: ‘I have not failed 10,000 times – I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.’ What’s striking about Edison was that he didn’t see giving up as an option, but instead saw failure as an opportunity to learn and do better.” (From Thomas Edison Never Gave Up by Bernadine )


cross of nails
Nail Cross – Pewter Necklace



About the Writer:  Mae Jones

Mae Jones lives in Denmark with her husband, Warren. They work in the local church, training up leaders. Her heart’s desire is to point the way for people to meet and totally fall in love with Jesus. She has two daughters. two wonderful sons-in-law, and six “perfect grandchildren.”

Note from the Editor:  Although our college years overlapped at Houghton College, I did not get to know Mae while attending there.  In later years I discovered that she and her husband were missionaries to Denmark, supported by a church we attended when temporarily living in eastern PA.  Now we are Facebook friends.  When she shared the above thoughts on Facebook, I asked if I could share it here on daily-devotionals.com, for I believe that what she is saying is important for us to think about.

More Daily Devotions by Mae Jones

Myth Busting

Heart Check-up


Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.