God Leaves an Imprint

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prints in the sandWhen God moves, He leaves an imprint.

Sometimes we don’t realize that He is moving.  We may have prayed and don’t see the answer yet.  Maybe we can’t see any changes after having trusted God to bring them.

But we can’t always see the way God is working behind the scenes.  He is weaving together circumstances, connections between people, changes in attitude and ideas, and many other things, and we have no idea of what He is putting into place so that our prayers can be answered.

Sometimes what we have prayed for has not been the best thing for us.  God has something better for us, so He holds off on what we’ve asked, waiting for us to become willing to accept His working in our lives.

Sometimes He is waiting for us to operate in faith instead of in doubt.  He wants us to find the Scriptures that apply to our situation and to pray into His promises, believing that He is keeping them.

Sometimes He is allowing us to fail in order to help us see our own sin and turn away from it.  Maybe we have pride because of what we have accomplished.  Maybe we are so self reliant that we don’t seek His will in situations or depend upon Him.  The situation in which you can’t seem to find God may be the very one that brings you to a place of spending time in prayer and with His Word, acknowledging that you don’t have the answers, but know that He does.

As God works, whether in what we see Him doing or behind the scenes, He leaves His imprint.  Be assured, you will never be the same again, for He is slowly working changes within you.  Your circumstances will not  stay the same forever.  As He is working, His imprint is changing everything!

Here is God’s purpose:

Romans 8:18 

… the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.
Watch for signs of His glory, even if you are suffering for awhile.  His imprint will reveal how great and awesome He is!  He wants to show some of His glory through you to others so that they can experience His imprint in their lives too.  Trust Him and let Him!


Christian Luncheon Napkins (120 Count) Celebrate Psalm 118:24

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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.