There once was a girl who said her bedtime prayers every night after her dad read from a kids’ devotional book to her. She would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). One night at the end of her prayer, she said, “All girls.”

It soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing. Her dad’s curiosity got the best of him, and one night he asked, “Why do you always add the part about all girls?”

Her response was, “Because everybody always finishes their prayers by saying ‘All Men’!”

child reading

Why Have Devotions With Children?

It’s an important part of kids’ spiritual growth to have devotions. Often parents help to instill the importance of having daily devotions in their children by having prayer and reading Bible stories or a devotional book before tucking them in.  As children get old enough to read, they can carry on this important experience on their own. Children who learn to experience God’s Presence early in life, through having a special quiet time with Him, will likely carry this on throughout their lives.


Here Are Some Devotions You Can Use With Your Kids or Grandchildren

Teach Children How to Use the Lord’s Prayer

Scared Gideon Becomes a Hero

The Day After Easter

Dare to Be a Daniel

The Guy Who Fell Out of a Window

The Wise and Foolish Builders

Jesus Loves Me

When I Think of Christmas

Plans for 2020 include adding to our website more Bible stories that you can use with kids.  Check our Kids’ Devotions Category for updates.

A Kids’ Devotional Book Makes a Great Gift

Why not give your child a kid’s devotional book for a birthday, Valentines day, Easter, or Christmas? Or for no reason at all other than to say, “I love you.”

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Keep an eye out for my devo/novel for tweens, Izzy’s Popstar Plan. Slated for a December Thomas Nelson release.

    1. karenrob

      Anyone may use my blog posts on their own websites as long as they include the author and a link back to the URL where the articles is published. If no author is listed, the author is Karen Roberts.

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