Those familiar with the accounts of Jesus’ life on earth know the story of the ten lepers that came to Jesus for healing. All were healed, but only one returned to thank Him.
During this Thanksgiving season we can take a look at our own levels of thankfulness. One of our writers, Marilyn Murphree shares some thoughts on reasons why the nine lepers might not have returned to express thankfulness. And she has a challenge for us!
Do it Now
by Marilyn Murphree
based on Luke 17:11-19
Thanksgiving is a special season when we show appreciation to those who have been special in our lives throughout the year. We surround ourselves with family and friends to share a bountiful meal together and to thank God for His blessings and faithfulness to supply our needs.
God is glad to bless us. Are we quick to have a thankful attitude?
In this scripture, ten very needy people received what they needed for Jesus to do for them that day. But when Jesus turned around, He said, “Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine?” Only one had returned giving thanks.
Why do you suppose that only one of the ten came back to say, ‘Thank You’? The one leper looked at his skin and could see that he was healed. The others could see that their skin was clear too, but only that one returned and glorified God.
Maybe the nine others had different reasons why they went on their way without much thought.
1. Didn’t think it was necessary
2. Too busy
3. Had somewhere else to go
4. Didn’t know what to say or how to say it
5. Didn’t feel comfortable
6. Didn’t know Jesus that well
7. Didn’t want to bother Him
8. Just took it for granted that it was what Jesus was supposed to do
9. Procrastinated—would do it later
There might be other reasons why they didn’t come back.
There was an old radio show about a couple called the Bickersons. They constantly bickered about everything. She would tell him to do something, and he would procrastinate and never get around to it.
Then she would yell out, “Do it Now!”
I don’t know if it helped or not. There are a lot of things we procrastinate on. We could make someone happy if we would just “Do it Now,” and say, “Thank you” or “You made my day.” These words mean a lot too: “What you did for me meant so much.” “I appreciate it.”
Do it Now is a pretty good motto. Is there any reason you couldn’t let someone know how important their kindness was to you?
Pick one person.
Get a note card and a pen and address the envelope. Open your note card and write a sentence or two. Tell that person what you appreciated and say, “Thank You.” Put a stamp on it and drop it in the mail.
THINK: Do it Now!
I want to do something right now. Here it is:
“Thank you Marilyn for sharing these important thoughts with us. We appreciate you!”
Read more by Marilyn.
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