Who Are You Grateful For?

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“I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Corinthians 1:4, NIV

Thanksgiving is Approaching

It’s the season for thankfulness.  We are approaching Thanksgiving, so gratitude to God and to others may be on our minds.  Of course, gratitude should be a virtue that fills us every day, regardless of the season.

Expressing Gratitude to People Who Have Blessed Us

A man at our church does so many things for our church family.  He gives of his time to keep all the financial records of the church and pay the bills.  He frequently runs the sound system during services.  Since he’s an elder, he attends meetings in which church leaders pray and plan.  Sometimes he preaches also.

He’s a busy guy, working full time and being a good dad and husband.  As busy as he is, recently when I asked about a computer problem, he told me what to buy and met with me at church to fix the problem by installing the equipment I purchased.  He had spent a lot of time emailing back and forth with me first to determine what was needed to remedy the situation.

That day I was so grateful for his time and assistance that I baked him some cookies.  But I’ve been thinking a lot about how I don’t always express my gratitude very well.  So yesterday I pulled out a card and wrote a thank-you note for all he does at church and for helping me with my computer.  I gave it to him after church this morning.

You know what?  That act of writing that thank-you note did something within me.  It lifted my spirit and helped me to enter into worship at church today with joy.  Expressing gratitude is like pulling a switch that turns a light on inside our spirits.  Now I’m thinking of other people at church that I thank.

I read a story about Jenny and her friend Marie who were outcasts at their high school. They were frequently the target of unkind rumors and mean pranks. They never knew what cruel joke would be played on them next.

But at school, there was a sophomore named Tony. All of the students liked Tony because he was kind to everyone, regardless of their social status. Tony used his influence to discourage bullying.

Jenny and Marie noticed that whenever they were around Tony they weren’t treated poorly. He became a safe place where the girls knew they could hang out without fear or rejection.

Years later, Jenny heard that Tony had been in a car accident. She remembered how kind he’d been in high school and wrote him a note thanking him for what he’d done for her and her friend.

Join in – Express Your Gratitude

Take a moment to think about all of the people in your life.  Write notes, letting them know how much they mean to you and how thankful you are for their influence.  It would be overwhelming to write to them all at once.  But even writing one note per week will result in an inner change that will bring you joy.

I love to get Scripture based cards from DaySpring.  Take a look at their thank-you cards.  I think you’ll enjoy sending them to those who have blessed you.

God, thank you for bringing [name] into my life. I ask that You show me how I can do something kind for them this week.

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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.