Women’s Devotional: A Woman in Love, Part 2

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Ways to Express Your Love to Jesus                    

Writing a journal of what God tells you helps you review and remember your special moments with God.
Writing a journal of what God tells you helps you review and remember your special moments with God

  When you are in a love relationship with Jesus, you’ll want to express your love to Him.  There are many ways to do this.

Try these.

–   Write a love letter to Him.

–   Make up a song or poem to express your love to Jesus.

–   Spend time telling Him you love Him.  He loves you so much that He will even put expressions of love and praise into your mind and mouth.

–   Put on some worship music and sing or dance in praise to Him.

–   Close your eyes and picture your self leaning on Him, dancing with Him, or going for a walk hand in hand with Him.

–   Draw or paint a picture for Jesus or make a sculpture, allowing Him to inspire your art.

–   If you play an instrument, play a song just for Him.

– Write a journal entry about how much you love Jesus and why.

Then Listen With Your Spirit

Once your have expressed your love to Jesus, it is time to listen to Him tell you how much He loves you.  Here are some ways.

–   Find verses in the Bible that speak of His love and faithfulness.  Highlight them or copy them or memorize some of them.

–   Become very still and wait for Him to speak to you.  Then write down what He says.  Ask Jesus to write a love letter to you.  Be quiet and listen as He gives you phrase by phrase His words of love.  Write down each phrase or sentence in the form of a letter, starting with a greeting that uses your name.

Here is a love letter He spoke to me, but it’s not just for me – It’s for everyone who loves Jesus.

My dear __________  ( fill in your name),

I want you to know that I am with you and love you.  I am your Rose of Sharon and Lily of the Valley, and you are those to Me as well.

When you walked through stormy times, I was there loving you.  When you stumbled and fell, I picked you up. I have never left you or forsaken you.

When the waters rose and tried to flood you, I held up my hand and commanded them back.  You have no idea how much I have protected you when the enemy would have come in like a flood to destroy you.  I could reveal it to you when you get to heaven, but you will be so taken up with Me and the riches and wonder there, that you will not be interested in looking back on your life on the earth.

In the meantime, while you are waiting to come to Me in heaven, be caught up in my Presence and enjoy your time with Me.  For I enjoy the time I spend with you.

Your Prince,


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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.