The Bible is true

The Bible is True

Why should we study the Bible?  Because the Bible is true.  It reveals the truth about how to know God.  It is not a hodge-podge of the thoughts, opinions, and ideas of ordinary people.          The Bible is true

The Bible is Actually the Inspired Word of God

It is made up of God’s message that He revealed to the writers of its 66 books.  It is the life stories of Jesus and many other Biblical characters, including prophets, kings, warriors, judges, heroes, and villains. It is the most significant book, with facts about history, culture, and moral rules that create a strong base for godly living.  It reveals the way to know God personally and how to experience Him in your personal life.

The Bible is more than just stories and verses. 2 Timothy 3:16 states, “All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” It contains words given by the Holy Spirit to the writers. It explains God’s will for us and how to be saved from sin.  Some of the language of Scripture may seem challenging to interpret, for it was written in various places at different times and under different cultural contexts. Comparing translations can help you understand.  When reading, pay attention to the context and the history to uncover the meaning and to connect it to your own experiences.

God Gave Us Scripture in a Special and Unique Way

God chose prophets and messengers from different walks of life to spread His message. His Word is meant to be a source of comfort, guidance, admonition and peace. It reminds us that we need Jesus Christ in order to enter Heaven with Him.

There is one strong and consistent story throughout. This begins in Genesis and ends in Revelation.  God created the world and chose Adam and Eve represent Him. But, Adam and Eve failed, and sin came into the world. Every one of us has sinned.  God showed His love by sending His Son Jesus to free us from sin.  And, He made a way for everyone to be saved through believing in Jesus (John 3:16).

The Bible was written by at least 40 authors over the course of 1500 years, yet each book is consistent with the others. This proves it was given by One divinely inspired Author. The 66 books give one complete story -from creation, to the fall, to salvation.  It is amazing that 66 books, written by all these different people over the course of hundreds of years, all agree with each other and proclaim God’s plan and truth.  Only God could orchestrate that.

The Bible is the Only Source of Absolute Truth

The Bible is God’s Word in human language. It’s the only absolute truth source in our world today. Other written works contain a mix of truth, flawed thinking, and opinion. But the Bible has no errors or falsehoods – it’s totally trustworthy.

We need direction from God and would not have it without Scripture.  God’s words in the Bible reveal to us who God is, how we can know Him, and how He wants us to live.. This makes it essential; without the Bible, we can’t know the truth.

The Bible is True and Has No Errors

Different people have different thoughts about the Bible.  But human thoughts and interpretations do not change the fact that it is inerrant,  it is free of mistakes.

Scripture has been around for a few thousand years, with the Old Testament being written first, over many years.  The New Testament was written within several years after Jesus’ resurrection.  The Bible stands up better than any other authority.  Its own claims to be inerrant are proven through history, archaeology, and fulfilled prophecy.  People’s personal experiences of God working in their lives, just as He promises in His Word, are further proof.  We can trust the Scriptures completely.
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The Bible is God’s authoritative Word.  It is without error in its original manuscripts. It is accepted as reliable due to Jesus’ use of Old Testament Scriptures as authority, and the claims within the New Testament.  Despite many Scripture translations since its Hebrew and Greek manuscripts were written, no errors have been found with regard to faith, meaning, or practice.

The trustworthiness of the Bible comes from its accuracy and God’s providence over it. People carefully copied each manuscript by hand, protecting against errors in texts. Even translation errors are identified and corrected quickly, so we can trust what we read as God’s message for us.  The Dead Sea Scrolls, which contain many Scriptures, prove that modern translations have not changed the message of the Old Testament writings.  And Bible quotations from the writings of church leaders, two and three hundred years after the New Testament books were written, show that God has also preserved the New Testament as originally written in Greek.

The Teachings of the Bible are Powerful

The Bible has an inherent power and authority.  Speaking God’s Word through prayer and confession, in faith, brings about God’s marvelous working.  Changed lives, conversions to follow Christ, and answered prayer are just some of the results of speaking and believing God’s Word.

This gives believers confidence as they know Scripture was written with Truth in mind. It helps them to discern right from wrong and make moral decisions.

Throughout the ages, various people have tried to destroy and get rid of the Bible.  But its claim that God’s Word lasts forever has been proven to be true. (1 Peter 1;25) Every year the Bible is being translated into more and more languages.  It is also being broadcast to people with cell phones, radios, TVs, and computers.  Even in nations whose leaders try to stifle the proclamation of the gospel, God’s Word is spreading, and more and more people throughout the nations are putting their faith in Christ.

Those who follow Jesus Christ have put the Bible and its promises to the test.  Those who put their faith in Gods’ promises and allow Him to work in their lives have many testimonies of answers to prayer, seeing God’s faithfulness, and fulfillment of His promises in their lives.  Changed lives are one of the greatest proofs of the truth of God’s Word.  Those who receive Jesus into their own lives and commit their lives to Him experience changes in their lives that they could not bring upon themselves.  They also see God’s provision for their needs.  Many experience miracles of healing.

God’s Word is so wonderful!  Feast on it.  Absorb it; meditate on it; speak it; share it; study it.  No other book is like the Bible.
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Please share in the comments:  What does the Bible mean to you?


Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.