Living a Devotional Life
A devotional life... can be through worship, singing praises, prayer, Bible reading, meditating on a section of God's Word, and spending quiet time listening for God to speak to us individually.
A devotional life... can be through worship, singing praises, prayer, Bible reading, meditating on a section of God's Word, and spending quiet time listening for God to speak to us individually.
Ask Jesus to write a love letter to you. Be quiet and listen as He gives you phrase by phrase His words of love.
They did good works for Him; they were patient; they dealt with false teachers who came to them with discernment; they persevered when things were tough; and they worked for Jesus without becoming weary. He recognized what they were doing right, but He said that he had something against them: They had left their first love,
I made a chocolate pie just a few minutes ago, and made sure that all the pudding did not end in the pie I could have a taste!
It takes time for God to paint a rose. It takes time for God to grow an oak. It takes time for God to make bread from wheat fields. He takes the earth. He pulverizes. He softens. He enriches. He wets with showers and dews. He warms with life. He gives the blade, the stock, the amber grain, and then at last the bread for the hungry.
My mother gave me a great Christian heritage, but that doesn't mean that our relationship was always perfect. Mothers and daughters have enough differences and similarities that they have to work on their relationship just as they have to work on their other family relationships.
Practicing the presence of God means in all we do, we choose to be conscious of the fact that the presence of God is with us.
Did you know that you are God's flower garden? The living Word of God, spoken into your life, contains everything needed to unfold the glory of God into your life.
Taking time out for devos (devotions) supercharges your day, tunes up your outlook, helps you experience God's presence, gives you wisdom, and tunes up your heart with God's love.