Death Experience Changes Belief of Atheist
Many people today don’t believe in the existence of hell. They believe that everyone will go to heaven when they die. Others who don’t believe in God at all think that death is the end of everything, with no heaven or hell.
Here is the story of a man who was being forced toward hell as his body lay dying. Perhaps the reason that God allowed Howard Storm, who was an atheist at the time, to return from death was to change the minds of people who do not believe what is taught in the Scriptures about hell. Listen to him tell his own story.
Part 2 of Howard’s story:
Isn’t it incredible that even as Howard was almost to hell itself that Jesus came to him when he called His name? And what a wonderful revelation he received that Jesus is always with him. They let Him know that he needed to confess his sins and allow Jesus to take his burdens.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.