Give Up or Pursue?
David and his men returned home to find that their enemies had burned down their whole town. None of their possessions or members of their families were anywhere to be found. They were devastated and wept bitterly. Some of them even started to blame David and threatened to stone him to death.
Muslim Arrested By Love
People often have feelings of suspicion or nervousness when they know that someone is a Muslim. Avoidance only serves to deepen the rift between the two groups which are so different.
Milk vs. Meat?
Rabbis teach that to eat beef and then drink milk would be like making a foundation of Judgment and then adding grace to it. Grace would strengthen the Judgment. This would make Judgment strong and harsh. But to first drink milk/grace would soften the impact of judgment/beef.
What’s Missing In Our Devotions?
…there is still something left out of most of our expressions of love to and for our Father.
Singing Senior Touched Hearts
I never got into much Southern Gospel Music, preferring a more contemporary sound, but there is something about some of this genre of music, when done by Spirit-filled Christians, that touches the heart.
You Have To Go Through A Test To Have A Testimony
A Devotional for Those Who Are Struggling
Hearing the Still Small Voice of God
God taught Elijah that He was not in the other things—the rock shattering wind, the dreadful earthquake, or the fire. He was not in the spectacular.
Practicing the Presence of God
Practicing the presence of God means in all we do, we choose to be conscious of the fact that
the presence of God is with us.
Labor Day Devotional
The ultimate reason God saved us is, for most of us, something that will be realized in the future. That idea has greatly influenced my attitude toward my current job.