Palm Sunday is a day to celebrate and praise and worship our Lord Jesus Christ!
On this day we commemorate how Jesus entered Jerusalem humbly riding on the colt of a donkey. The people didn’t understand. They thought he was entering as the one who would set Himself up as King and drive out the tyranny of the Roman rulers. As they waved their palm branches and called out “Hosanna” (God save us), they did not understand that Jesus was not about to lead a physical revolution.
Instead He was bringing a spiritual revolution! He was entering as the Lamb of God – ready to lay down His life so that we could be forgiven from our sins. He was coming as a King – but to bring the Kingdom of God, not to rule a kingdom of the earth. By laying down His life, and then rising from the dead, He would make the way for those who believe in Him and receive Him to have the Kingdom of God living within them.
Yes, the day will come when He will enter Jerusalem again, but this time riding on a white stallion and followed by the armies of Heaven. We read about that wonderful day in the book of Revelation. He will come as the conquering King and set up His Kingdom on the earth. He will reveal Himself as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Every knee will bow to Him.
But until them, He chooses to work through us and through His Word (the Bible) to reveal His Kingdom and to draw people into relationship with Him. On this Palm Sunday, let’s recommit ourselves to allow Him to use us to show His Kingdom through the way we live our lives, through our words, through our faith, and through our love.
In order to reveal Him to others, we need to take the time to let us fill us with His Spirit. A great way to do that is to take time out to worship Him and to allow Him to cleanse us and fill us. A great way to do that is through worship. Let’s take a few minutes to worship along with Hillsong, giving Him ourselves and our Hosannas.
He’s My Strength – Garnet Necklace and Cross
from: DaySpring Cards Inc
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