My friend Grace Payton is a retired Salvation Army officer. She sends me and other friends a Sunday morning email which often helps us to make spiritual applications to common things in life. I obtained her permission to share the following as a devotion, for I think it applies to all of us.
Have you ever had something pop up unexpectedly in life that changes the whole direction of how things are going for you? I have! When this happens, our faith and trust in the Lord are put to the test. Will we keep trusting and let Him fill us with His peace? Of do we let our emotions take off and take us away from the inner rest that He offers no matter what we are going through? Let’s get ready by feeding our spirit through a daily devotional time with God!
Quick Lane Changes 
by Grace Payton
We have been doing a lot of driving the past couple of weeks on the interstate. (not my favorite thing!) One of the most crucial rules is being aware of lane changing and lane changes. All of a sudden your lane is taken away, or all of a sudden your lane is an exit only lane…or suddenly your destination route is a couple of lanes over…and this is always in traffic…fast traffic!
AND some of the directions for lane change are not on signs, but on marks on the roadway. So to get to St. Petersburg or Clearwater or to the Tampa airport from our town of Bradenton, you better be aware: looking up; looking down; and looking around, while also observing the speed limit. (I also include prayer while doing that.)
Life is Like Lane Changes
So much like life at times. We can go sailing along…humming a tune…happily in a world of our own…and life’s direction throws us into another lane of traffic. And are we prepared? Or do we swerve and lose control? Something to think about.

This devotional was originally published in 2016. Since then, we’ve all experienced unexpected changes in our lives – especially since the beginning of the Coronavirus pandemic.
It’s important to remember that we put our confidence in the Lord Jesus and can trust Him to take us through the changes and battles of life.
The videos below speak to my heart. Please share in the comments how Grace’s comments or these videos speak to you.
Inspiration for Dealing With Unexpected Changes
These songs sung by Michael W. Smith will encourage you as you reach out for help from God.
This video inspires us in dealing with unexpected changes.