What Are You Eagerly Anticipating?
My grandchildren have been eagerly waiting for summer vacation from school. Being home schooled, they knew that by the end of May they would be finished with their school work for the year. They anticipated more free time, more fun, and more time to be outdoors.
The break from school is a time of much needed rest for them and also for my daughter and me, for we are the teachers. The kids said, “I can’t wait for school to be over.” My daughter and I sometimes felt the same way, although we enjoy teaching them.
Those of us who love and follow Jesus should be eagerly anticipating the time when He comes to gather His people to take them home to be with Him. Hebrews 9:28b says, “He will appear a second time, not to pay for sin, but to save those who eagerly wait for Him.” That will be a glorious day!
Just as kids have schoolwork to do until they finally get summer vacation, we too have work to do until that day when we will rest from our earthly labor to enjoy rest from our struggles here on earth. Jesus told us in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine so much before people, that they may see your good works, and therefore glorify your Father who is in Heaven.” His commission to us is to live a life full of serving and giving, as well as spreading the good news about Him throughout the world. This will cause people to see Jesus in us, attracting them to Jesus.
When He returns for us, our time to do this kind of work will be finished. We shall be in the very presence of God all the time, without our tendencies to sin and without being surrounded by evil and suffering. That is something to greatly look forward to!
But just like students need to keep doing their school work in order to learn and prepare for the things that God calls them to do in this life, it is not time for us to sit back and just wait. Let’s eagerly step out to be a light in this dark world and allow the Holy Spirit within us to help us reach out to others. Our greatest reward is to bring others to Jesus so that they can join us with Jesus comes again!
Let’s sing about that Glorious Day along with Casting Crowns!