Why Would God Call Us Peculiar People?
Some people wonder about the verses in the Bible that say that Christians are peculiar people. One of these is Titus 2:14. Depending upon which version of the Bible you have, it says that Jesus gave Himself for us so that He could redeem us from sin and purify us, His own “peculiar” or “special” people, zealous for good works. The Greek word used for this word means “beyond usual.” And yes, if we are set free from sin and are going out of our way to do good things for people, we are pretty different from the norm!
Most of us struggle with the balance between these two things:
– Being so different from everyone that we turn people off and therefore cannot lead them to a personal relationship with God
– Being willing to do anything the Lord calls us to do, even if others think it is strange
It can be a delicate balance – one in which we need the leading of the Holy Spirit throughout each day.
Scott Roth had some interesting thoughts on this one day when he was… Singing in The Shower…
Thinking about…. 2 Corinthians 5:13-14…
If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you. For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. NIV
“How do I not look so crazy to the world around me, yet still have a radical style of living compared to my neighbor?” This question is the question that we as believers in Christ should have a tension over. Recently in my life I have been struggling with how to show the love of Christ and reveal my world to those outside the faith, yet not look like some seriously crazy person in the process.
Think about this for a moment: a believer in Christ has a fundamental understanding that the Son of God came down to this planet, lived to show us a better way, and sacrificially died in order for us to have an everlasting life through His resurrection. Doesn’t that sound a little crazy?
Paul expresses this craziness within 2 Corinthians. He shows us that when he appears in his right mind, it is for the observer’s benefit. It’s like singing when I sing in the shower. I have some of the best praise and worship times in the shower because nobody can observe my craziness. I would not belt out Amazing Grace in the middle of the grocery store aisle in the same way as I would in my shower. It just would make me look a bit…well…crazy!
Let’s Be Relevant
As we walk this earth, we need to be mindful of opportunities to share the gospel in a way that is relevant to the situations we are presented with. Paul encourages us to see these opportunities and use our “right mind” attitudes. Are we seeking these opportunities daily to share the love we have in Christ?
Living against the flows of society and wrestling with the dark authorities of this world, our love affair with Christ will show outwardly. Interacting with others that are not of the Kingdom will seem to look different over time. Openly talking about our activities and daily prayer lives could even be a method of being a little different. If you have proof that your prayer works and your petitions are heard by God…well that’s not too crazy if you have proof, correct? Plenty of things happen that, if there is proof to the tale, we can believe! It is the tales of our lives that help us to show the love of Christ on a daily basis.
Be a Person Who Fishes for Other People
In the end we are called to be fishers of men – those that cast the nets and assist in sharing the Gospel. It’s a personal thing. Today, make it personal. Look to the heavens for God to give you the mind to be aware and the heart to care about the souls of those around you. Take the passion of your shower time and exercise it in a manner that is relevant and effective for those around you.
Scott is the lead pastor at Line Lexington Mennonite Church and is always looking for somebody to go fishing with!
Hi Scott!
I enjoyed reading your blog. While I agree that we do need to be “walking in the Spirit”, I find issue with your thesis as the first side of the equation really can never exist:
‘ – Being so different from everyone that we turn people off and therefore cannot lead them to a personal relationship with God ‘
First, we can never lead anyone to Christ based on our actions, mannerisms, state of mind, persuasiveness of words, acts of strength or physical appearance. It is only by God the Father’s election-based ‘calling’ of a lost soul that a man can (and is) saved. Jesus Himself said, “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:44)
Secondly, seeing one’s salvation is of God’s calling based on His election (Romans 8:28-30) and not based on our (Christians’) actions, or lack there of, God’s sheep will (all) be saved:
Jesus: “But you do not believe, because you are not of My sheep, as I said to you. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand” (John 10:26-28)
Notice that Jesus hear declares that there are only two kinds of souls: those who are “not my sheep” (He goes on to say they are Satan’s sheep) and those who are His sheep. His sheep “hear” His voice, and we know faith comes by “hearing”, and “hearing by the word of God: Jesus who IS the Word, is the ONLY voice they can and will hear!
I guess my point is if your gonna err on one side or the other, err on the side of warning lost souls that they are in peril of eternal hell fire if they do not repent! Too many Christians (and ministers) have left this sound theology! Jesus (The Word of God) spoke and warned more about escaping hell, then He did about entering heaven! Because it is the place of God’s wrath!
Bottom line, if they are Satan’s ‘sheep’ their going to think you are crazy anyways so who cares? If they are Jesus’ sheep, your words to them will ring through loud N clear; and most importantly: TRUE! . . . as God’s Holy Spirit convicts them of sin, righteousness and judgement! (John 16:8)
To worry about how one is being viewed, is to be guilty of the sin of pride! Not a good thing to have as you try and win souls! How can you witness while committing the sin of pride? Your witness is only as affective as your love for the lost person. If it does not break one’s heart that they are hell-bound, and one has the answer to their predicament, then one may need to evaluate ones’ own salvation experience. 😉
Paul Paradise
a voice in the 21st century…
Hi Paul,
The intro to what Scott wrote was written by me, the publisher of the blog. Until Jesus returns for us, there will be an ongoing theological debate between those who believe that people have no choice in the matter of coming to Christ and those who believe that they do.
I appreciate your thoughts, even though I personally believe that God usually uses people to bring others to Christ. I thoroughly enjoy watching how He opens doors to share Jesus and how as He speaks through us and opens their understanding, many come to know Him. In fact, the reason I have this blog is to help people who don’t know Him come to know Him and to help those who do know Him grow in their relationship with Him.
I truly have a heart to see people be saved from an eternity in hell, and I have mentioned heaven and hell often in discussing with people how to have a relationship with God.
But I also respect your opinion, and that’s why I have posted your comment. Regardless of our persuasion in this matter, if we are those who love and follow Jesus, we are brothers and sisters.