Palm Sunday is a Day of Hope

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On This Most Unusual Palm Sunday

I am writing this on the most unusual Palm Sunday of my life.  As COVID-19 spreads through the world, most of us have to stay home today instead of celebrating Palm Sunday at church.  My own church has been having services on Facebook Live for three weeks and may have to continue for an unknown number of weeks ahead.

However, remembering Palm Sunday together on Facebook does not spoil the meaning of the day.  These are my devotional thoughts regarding this occasion.  I hope this will bless and encourage you.  May you be filled with hope in the Lord today.

Karen S. Roberts

Palm Sunday
A day of hope

John 12: 12-13 NKJV  

The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem,  took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out:

‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’
The King of Israel!”


 Why Celebrate?

When we celebrate Palm Sunday, we are looking ahead with hope.  Easter is coming!

As Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, the crowds of people gathered, waving palm branches and shouting “Hosanna.”   This word means, “Lord, save us!”

Their expectation was that Jesus had come to deliver them from the ruthless rule of the Romans and that He would be their new king.  The disciples were caught up in that hope as well.  No one understood what was to come that very week.

Jesus Had a Different Plan

But Jesus’ plan was a much greater one.  He was soon to willingly let Himself be nailed to a cross, giving His blood as a sacrifice for the sins of everyone who would be willing to place faith in Him and follow Him.  His death would give us all the means to have eternal life forever instead of being condemned to eternal payment for our sins in hell.

But giving His life alone would not bring us hope.  If all He did was to die, He would go down in history as just another religious leader who had an influence, but then died.  People would look at His death as a tragedy that ended His life and influence way too early.

Jesus Proved Himself to Be God

But Jesus, being God who came in the flesh, had power over death.  He proved who He was by rising from the dead.  Over 500 people saw Him alive after His resurrection.  His disciples, who had run away to hide in fear, were transformed into dynamos who would spread the news of His death and resurrection to thousands.  Seeing the Lord alive and hearing Him explain why He had to die, and then later watching Him ascend into Heaven, caused them to share their eye witness accounts far and wide.

They were willing to lay down their own lives to spread the Good News.  And all but one, John, were killed for following Jesus and teaching about Him.  This willingness to die for the gospel is proof that they had truly seen Jesus after His resurrection.  People are not wiling to die for a lie.  They knew the truth and were experiencing first hand the power of the Holy Spirit day by day in their lives.

So instead of simply hoping for Jesus to oust the Romans and set up his own Kingdom on earth, people discovered that Jesus brought a hope much greater.  It is the hope of being forgiven and knowing God personally.  It is the assurance of knowing Him within our own spirits when we bow before Him, admitting our sin and receiving Him into our hearts.  It is the fire of His Holy Spirit within us that creates love, compassion, and the desire to share this hope with others.

We Look Forward to “the Blessed Hope”

Palm Sunday sets our hearts to looking forward to this week of considering Jesus’ suffering for us and His glorious rising from the dead, alive forever as our King of Kings and precious Savior.  We passionately celebrate this on Easter!

That first Palm Sunday was a foretaste of the day when Jesus will return, once again entering the gates of Jerusalem.  He promised to return.  He will come as the overcoming King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He will set up His Kingdom on earth at that time, in person.  His followers will rule under Him as He reigns.  He will not come back on a lowly donkey.  The Bible describes His return on a white horse with His uncountable multitudes of followers arriving with Him.

Scripture refers to Jesus’ return as our “blessed hope.”  Titus 2:11 – 14 NKJV says this:

             For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.

As we await that glorious day, we can experience His Kingdom in our hearts.  We can know our King personally and walk closely with Him day by day.  We can experience His Word working in us and see Him keeping the promises in His Word.  He will always show Himself faithful to those who have faith in Him.  He continues to offer his grace, peace, and healing in our lives.  He shows Himself strong against evil to those who love and serve Him.

Knowing and following Jesus is to live in the hope of Palm Sunday every day of our lives.

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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.