God Speaking by Mandisa

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God speaks to us in so many ways – often through circumstances that we might not have chosen for ourselves.  Think about the circumstances that have drawn you closer to God in the past year as you listen to this wonderful song by Mandisa, “God Speaking.” And if you’ve allowed your circumstances to harden your heart, pray that God would soften it now and touch You with Him amazing love!


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Karen S. Roberts is a writer who has authored several books and who edits and manages websites.


  1. I heard Mandisa at a Woman of Faith conference last month. Not being an AI fan at all, I had no idea who she was, but it turned out she sang many of my favorite songs I hear on my Christian radio station! 🙂 Girl can sing! Thanks for sharing this today.

  2. Pingback: Tweets that mention God Speaking" by Mandisa - a musical devotional -- Topsy.com
  3. Thanks for posting about Phil Stacey and Danny Gokey. I have been a fan of both since their days on season 6 and 8 of “American Idol,” respectively. I had the pleasure of meeting Phil in Tampa, when he appeared at a church service back in April of ’10. I hope to meet Danny some day. They are both wonderful artists and human beings.

  4. You’re welcome! I really enjoyed their music when they were on American Idol. I’m happy to see so many are taking a stand for following Jesus! Here’s a link for Jason Castro giving his “witness” for the Lord too: http://www.iamsecond.com/#/seconds/Jason_Castro/

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